Process/ Challenges 

How did the process go with making the skirt? 

The skirt was a bit of a challenge because i had to connect six separate pieces ( about halfway past knee length) to one another while making sure they didn't overlap too much with each other. Along with making sure I had extra fabric in case something happened in the process, thankfully nothing did. I would say this took about 35 hours to make this skirt with the time frame being about five hours separated into days when free time was available.  

How did the process go with the jacket? 

The jacket proved a difficult challenge since I had to learn how to build a jacket from scratch along with the structure that goes into making one, it proved to me that it takes more effort into making a design than someone might realize! It made me appreciate people who do this on a regular basis or even for a business! It was also a struggle lining up my neckline in order to prevent it from falling. This took about 38 hours to make since the patch "Grease" was made first before the jacket was put together. 

How did the process go with the hat? 

The hat had to be cut during this due to time being limited with work, school, and babysitting playing into it