Background/ Ideas for my capstone

Why did you decide to Make a costume as your capstone? 

I've been into different media's of art for as long as i can remember but something that I absolutely enjoyed was sewing. Whether it was making a plushie out of fabric and cotton or sewing a rip from my shirt, i found myself grabbing a needle and some thread in order to create something! Costumes are used for many shows, many memories and many communities! I I want to create something can be used in future generations and serve a function or even better be loved by someone.  So when i found out i could make something that could go onto stage and be worn by a fellow actor;  i couldn't be more excited to do so. 

Why did you choose Grease your Inspiration? 

My mother had always been into the movie Grease, hearing the songs  "beauty school drop out" and "you're the one that I want" a lot on my tv growing up. It's the first musical I remember hearing even though I  didn't quite know what a musical was yet. When I found out we were doing Grease as our first musical, i couldn't be more happy because i could bring the idea of the famous Pink Ladies and Greasers into my hands; along with the joy that my mother feels watching Grease being live in front of her. 

What were some of your initial designs for this outfit?

My initial idea was to make a skirt and a jacket along with a hat! The jacket would be based on the Pink Ladies jacket but with a couple of different shades of pink ( mainly on the back saying "Grease" ). The sides would have a black border along the arms and the whole for your arms for a little bit of POP to help showcase different colors; including showing a little reference to greasers. 

The skirt would have the look of a poodle style, which is something that they actually had in the 1950's and was considered a popular trend. The hat would have a continues line going around it to reference  how our roads look today, white strips going down a black pavement. I also wanted to include some mini cars to enfensize this. 

What was the most challenging when it came to designing this? 

The most challenging would have to be what would I include and not include. There are many things that people would consider iconic in this franchise and having to choose what I wanted to focus on would be tough! Did I  want to focus purely on the songs? On one character in particular?  No, I wanted to catch people's attention with something that was bright and seen as trendy at that time, and what did that consist of? Bright Pinks and shiny blacks! The pink comes from the " eye-catching ladies' group" and the shiny black from the impressive "too cool for school greasers".