Work Samples


Find samples of my work below. 

Equitably Prioritizing Funding for SLR Adaptation

Created in collaboration with Jenna Cavano and Isabelle Southern. 

Click the image below to see our StoryMap!

DCP2002 Final Report - SLR Hillsborough.pdf

Street Orientation Polar Histograms

Created during my time interning at HafenCity University in Hamburg, Germany in Summer 2023. 

Visualizes street orientation and alignment with a grid. Final polar histograms can be seen to the right. My code can be found in the associated GitHub repository

Methods inspired by Urban Spatial Order: Street Network Orientation, Configuration, and Entropy (Boeing 2019).

Polar Histograms

Human Impact on Yellowstone National Park

This report was developed as the final deliverable for DCP2001, which I took in Fall 2022. Click the image to the right to see the StoryMap with our synthesized findings of our analysis or read the Final Report below for insights into methodology and more. 

Photo credits to one of my collaborators, Isabelle Southern!

DCP2001 Final Report - Visitor Impact Yellowstone NP.pdf
Click for StoryMap!

ArcPy Script Tool: Trail Slope Alignment

After learning the arcpy Python module in Spring 2023, I revisited a part of this project that I knew could be automated: calculating trail sustainability (susceptibility to erosion and trail widening) as a function of Trail Slope Alignment. Click the image to see the tool on GitHub!  

Other Coursework Outputs

Take a look at some of the other layouts I've produced for my classes. 

ArcGIS Layout Design.pptx

Writing & Other Academic Research

Student Volunteer Ideal Type Formation in Community Gardens  Spring 2022

Coming into the University of Florida, I was of the 2% of students in my cohort selected for the University Research Scholars Program. As a part of URSP, I took Research and Creativity in the fall of my freshman year. This course taught me about the power of research by giving me a comprehensive introduction to the university research process and pathways to involvement. 

In Spring 2022, I began studying the impact of student transience on community garden volunteering under the guidance of Dr. Anna Peterson. This began by reading literature on the relationship between environmental values and practices and discussing with a small group of others broadly investigating the topic. I then conducted an ethnographic field study through observation and informal interviews, forming an ideal type of a volunteer at the community garden I was in. The experience culminated in presenting at the UF Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium with my peers). Check out my poster or read my work published in the 2022 volume of the University of Florida's Journal of Undergraduate Research.


PDF Joseph Benjamin JUR Community Gardens.pdf

Presenting my group's ideas to a panel of experts. 

IBEC Healthy People, Healthy Planet Student Intensive Oct. 2022

Hosted by the International Bioscience and Built Environment Consortium, I joined with Honors College representatives from across the country in October 2021 to engage in emerging issues and challenges associated with the pandemic. I represented a group of my peers after moderating a discussion on “communication and human factors considerations for enduring change.” 

Afterwards, I was invited to work on a collaborative paper on youth participation in environmental movements

Op-ed: Why academic journals need to embrace youth 06 Dec. 2022

Featured in Environmental Health News by Sierra Hicks, Emory Hoelscher-Hull, and Joey Benjamin

Bureau of Overseas Building Operations Intern Fall 2022

Here are deliverables I created for the US Department of State's OBO during my Fall 2022 remote internship with their Chiang Mai consulate. 

ENC3254 Case Analysis OBO Excellence Governance.pdf
Joey Benjamin OBO Internship Best Practices Report.pdf
JBPro Final Document.pdf

Mock ESG Report Spring 2023

Created in collaboration with Claudia Kleine and Silvia Meyer for DCP4390, taught by Dr. Azza Kamal.

NOTE: We are not consultants of or associated with the subject company. This was created purely as a course output demonstrating our knowledge of corporate sustainability reporting and not to be taken as an authoritative policy of the report subject.