Job Experience

DAAD Rise Intern @ Hafen City University
Summer 2023

See this presentation for a summary of my duties and accomplishments during my internship this summer in Hamburg, funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).

HCU Presentation

GeoPlan Center

Since starting at GeoPlan in January 2023, I've jumped into a diverse range of projects automating workflows, doing data analysis, ensuring data quality. Some of the recent projects I've pitched in on include working with biodiversity datasets and analyzing building structure relocations.

I also do Quality Assurance/Quality Control work ensuring layers from sources across the state are fit for updates in the Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL). This work is crucial for those that use the data, including academic researchers and the Florida Department of Transportation. In particular, FDOT uses FGDL to support its Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) process. I ensure that these updated FGDL layers are optimized for use in this process, allowing transportation decision-makers to choose best practices in a broad range of considerations, from environmental safety to natural resource protection. 

Beyond my QA/QC contributions, I'm actively learning about Python applications in geoprocessing to better support the mission of the GeoPlan Center. I have also consulted on projects including:

Bureau of Overseas Building Operations Intern Fall 2022

Here are deliverables I created for the US Department of State's OBO during my Fall 2022 remote internship (Virtual Student Federal Service program) with their Chiang Mai consulate. 

ENC3254 Case Analysis OBO Excellence Governance.pdf
Joey Benjamin OBO Internship Best Practices Report.pdf