involvement in 

the global community

Seoul NSF Smart City Engineering IRES

Summer 2024

In Summer 2024, I worked in the Seoul National University Urban Design Lab, led by Prof. Dr. Youngsan Kwon, through the NSF Smart City Engineering international research program. 

Throughout the program, I was also expected to keep a weekly blog of my academic and cultural experiences. I took it as an opportunity to capture many of the memorable times I had with my lab mates in Korea over the summer. If you're interested in reading about it, you can find that blog here

Over weekends and for academic symposiums, I took the opportunity to travel... a lot. The memories I made and places I saw are something I never want to forget, so I made this poster to hang in my room! 

UF in Leipzig 2022

In Summer 2022, I...

...and so much more than words can describe!