
I have taught the following courses for the University of Maryland iSchool:

LBSC 770: Metadata and Tools for Information Professionals, fall 2021, graduate, enrollment:15

Catalog Description: Principles, standards, and practices of information representation to facilitate accessing needed information in digital bibliographic environments. Includes exposure to Metadata, XML, RDA/AACR2R, DTDs, MARC, Dublin Core, MODS, ISBN and ISSN, FRBR, FRAD, Classification systems, and Controlled Vocabularies such as LCSH, SEARS, NLM, Getty and ERIC Thesauri, and others.

LBSC 791: Designing Principled Inquiry, fall 2020.

Catalog Description: Critical analysis of roles of information professions and institutions in integrating theory, methods, practice, policies, and values of the field, and applying them to the design of future information systems and services.

INST 152: Fake-Checking: Critically Evaluating Information for the Real World, spring 2019.

Catalog Description: Claims of “fake news” have recently become commonplace, but false, inaccurate, misleading, and poorly researched statements (unintentional or otherwise) are hardly new. This course allows students to assume the role of an information professional, who is literate in analyzing, evaluating, and creating information ethically, and accurately.

Extended Description: Through the active participation in the course discussions, engagement with the assigned reading, and completion of the assignments, students will learn about the complexities of the information landscape in a robust and critical way. The goal is not to leave this course as a cynic, but as an engaged and discerning consumer, citizen, employee, service provider, or whatever role you choose. This course explores areas of information science, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, anthropology, journalism, political science, and more. Students will have hands on experience working with different forms of information and will work to develop a toolkit for the practice of information evaluation. In this course, students will identify ways in which misinformation is spread; understand the broader social and societal implications of misinformation; engage in scholarly discussion with classmates and faculty.

LBSC 702: User Instruction, spring 2018.

Catalogue Description: Critical analysis of the rationale, content, and processes of user instruction in library and information settings

Detailed Description: We will be taking a deep dive into the theoretical approaches to and practical applications of instruction broadly defined. We will begin be addressing the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy and investigate the theories and practices behind this document and look into areas where these frames can be applied in multiple different library fields such as academic, public, business, government, school, and more. We will also investigate psychological and pedagogical heuristics and critical theories to help facilitate both in-class learning as well as practical training to develop real-world skills for becoming library instructors. Through the course of the semester we will move from leaning why to learning how by delving into both theory surrounding instruction and practical methods including assessment, instructional design, active learning, as well as a stable approach to getting valuable information to all kinds of users.