
Edited Books

  • Knowlton, S., Pozzi, E., Sly, J.S., Spunaugle, E. (2023). Libraries without Borders. Under contract with ALA Editions Press (forthcoming, 2023)

Book Contributions

  • “Introduction,” to Knowlton, S., Pozzi, E., Sly, J.S., Spunaugle, E. (2023). Libraries without Borders. Under contract with ALA Editions Press (forthcoming, 2023)

Refereed Book Chapters

  • Sly, J. S. (2017). “Improve the Moment”: Mechanics’ Institutes and the Culture of Improvement in the Nineteenth-Century. In M. A. Kimball & K. M. Wisser (Eds.), in Libraries: Traditions & Innovations, Papers from the Library History Seminar XIII (pp. 16–28). Berlin: De Gruyter.

Refereed Articles

  • Sly, J., & Coren, A. (2022). Rethinking Library Services for First-Generation Students: Using Habitus as a Framework for Reevaluating Existing Models. Journal of New Librarianship, 7(1), 126–158

  • Michalak, L.,Sly, J.S. and Brewer, H.(2022), “The Slavery, Law, & Power Project: Curating the Debates over Democracy and Justice in Early America and the British Empire,” Scholarly Editing Vol. 39, 2022. 10.55520/EMQNGDY2

  • Sly, J. S., DePope, L. A., Frank, C., & Ritchie, S. (2019). “The time has come... to build, reflect, and analyze connections between qualitative and quantitative data,” Proceedings of the Charleston Conference, 10.5703/1288284317144

Essays and Editorials

Reviews and Review Essays

Digital Projects

  • Project Director, Author, Editor, PI, & Designer: History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont: A Digital Scholarly Edition of the work by Samuel Morland, 1655

    • Scholarly digital edition/digital concordance

    • interactive elements to bring Morland’s work alive

    • Contextualizing essays and deeply research annotations


  • Project Director, Author, Designer: The Recusant Print Network Project

  • Digital Humanities Advisor and Associate Editor: Slavery, Law, and Power

Refereed Presentations

  • Koivisto, J.A. and Sly, J.S. (2022). “The Closed-Loop: Academic Publication Data Conundrum,” The Charleston Conference, November 2022 (accepted)

  • Koivisto, J.A. and Sly, J.S. (2022). “The Closed-Loop: Academic Publication Data Conundrum,” Libraries Innovative Practice Forum, June, , video recording,

  • Sly, J.S. (2022). “Did the Pandemic Alter Faculty Expectations of Library Instruction?” Big Ten Academic Alliance Liaison Institute, May, , video recording,

  • Sly, J.S. (2021) “Brutal Hands and the Shaping of Historical Memory: How Digital History Can De-Archive Material for Increased Access and Responsible Stewardship,” Association of Documentary Editing Annual Conference, July 2021.

  • Sly, J.S. (2021). “Challenges and Opportunities for Librarians in the Digital Humanities,” Libraries Innovative Practice Form, Online Conference, June 2021.

  • Gammons, R.W., Sly, J.S., Markowitz, J., and Budhathaki, M. (2021). “Virtual Reference and Screen Sharing,” during the presentation “Reference Instruction.” Big Ten Academic Alliance Liaison Institute, June.

  • Sly, J.S. (2020). “Developing library programming for non-departmental student programs,” Towson Conference for Academic Libraries, August 2020. and

  • Sly, J.S. (2020). " 'Public Duties of a Spirituall Nature' ": Discontented Mission of Interregnum Educational Reformers and Intellectual Bureaucrats." Renaissance Society of America, Philadelphia, PA, April 2020. Cancelled due to global pandemic,

  • Sly, J.S. and Wilson, S. (2020). “Outreach to Non-Degree Seeking Graduate Students: Aspects of Student Focused Critical Librarianship and Fostering an Inclusive Research Community,” Catholic University of America Bridging the Spectrum, Washington, D.C., February 2020.

  • Sly, J. S. (2018). “Digital Approaches to Understanding the Recusant Printing Network,” North American Conference for British Studies, Providence, RI, October 2018,

  • Sly, J. S. (2018). “Library Services for First Generation Students: Looking to Pierre Bourdieu, Habitus, and Understanding the Whole Student.” Presented at the University of Maryland Libraries’ Research and Innovative Practice Forum, College Park, MD, June 2018,

  • Sly, J. S. (2018). “Mythography and Diaspora: The Waldensians of North Carolina and their Books.” Presented at the University of Maryland Libraries’ Research and Innovative Practice Forum, College Park, MD, June 2018,

  • Gammons, R., Inge, L., and Sly, J. S. (2018). “When Stars Align: Redesigning an Instruction and Assessment Program to Align With the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy.” LOEX, Houston, TX, May 2018,

  • Sly, J. S. (2018). “Digital Approaches to Understanding the Recusant Printing Network.” Mid-Atlantic Conference on British Studies, College Park, MD, April 2018,

  • Sly, J. S. (2018). “Defining and Redefining Outreach to Special Populations.” Bridging the Spectrum, Washington, D.C., February 2018,

  • Sly, J. S. (2017). “Digital Humanities and the Recusant Printing Network: An Experiment in Research Format.” MEM-UM Migration(s): Body, Word, Spirit, College Park, MD, November 2017,

  • Sly, J. S. (2017). “What Can Digital Humanities Help us Discover About the Recusant Printing Network?” Ways of Knowing conference, Cambridge, MA, October 2017,

  • Sly, J. S. (2017). “The Recusant Print Network Project, Phase 1.” University of Maryland Libraries’ Research and Innovative Practice Forum, College Park, MD, June 2017,

  • Sly, J. S. (2017). “Bourdieu’s First Year: First-Generation Students, Habitus, and Retention.” Bridging the Spectrum conference, Washington, D.C., February 2017,

  • Sly, J. S. (2016). “How Disciplined Was Foucault’s Research Process?: A Proposed Method of Research Based on Philosophical and Critical Models OR How the Humanities can Help Students Understand Research.” MD ACRL and MILEX Conference Considering #CritLib: Inclusion and Diversity in Libraries, Columbia, MD November 2016,

  • Sly, J. S. (2016). “Mastering Attribution: A Case Study of Strategic Partnering with the Campus Writing Center to Create a Competitive and Game-Based Anti-Plagiarism Workshop.” Towson Conference for Academic Libraries, Towson, MD August 2016,

  • Sly, J. S. (2015). “Improve the Moment’: Mechanics’ Institutes and the Self-Help and Self-Reliance Movements in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Britain and North-eastern Urban America.” Library History Seminar XIII, Boston, MA July 2015,

Refereed Posters

Invited Lectures, Speaking Engagements, and Presentations

  • Interview for LBSC 791 on publishing and a library career, July 2022

  • Panel Discussant, Washington Early America Seminar and Anna Julia Cooper Center for Black Studies speaker event: Marjoline Kars, event link. Link to comment:

  • ACRL MD Journal Club Host, Feb 2017, March 2018

  • AIMS Innovation Conference, panel on Fake News, 1-Dec-2017, Columbia, MD

  • “Collaborative Website: Experimenting with Digital Humanities.” A presentation to the McDaniel College faculty describing alternate formats for undergraduate student research. This project was developed in conjunction with the chair of the Art History department and was created as a part of a grant from the Mellon Foundation and the Council for Undergraduate Research.

  • “Mechanics’ Institutes: A Brief History of a Social Library Movement.” Invited lecture, Simmons College, LIS 532C: History of Libraries, summer 2011. Instructor: Kathy Wisser.


Exhibits and Displays

  • “400 years of Cervantes,” Curator and event organizer, McDaniel College, 2016

    • Researched and collected materials from the general and special collections relating to the anniversary of Miguel de Cervantes and a celebration of his works

    • Hosted and coordinated a read-a-thon event and maintained a display-case exhibit in the main lobby of the library building

  • “The Changing Representation of Don Quixote,” Curator and event organizer McDaniel College, 2015

    • Researched and collected materials from the general and special collections relating to the anniversary of the publication of Book Two of Don Quixote

    • Worked closely with a Cervantes expert in the faculty to host a lecture, reading event, and exhibit

  • “Americans in Paris,” Curator, Episcopal High School, 2012

    • Developed a critical and curated display of objects, books, and other material from the general and special collections (rare books) around the release of the film Midnight in Paris.

    • Display included EHS’s forged “signed copy” of a Hemingway book and other items of relevance to the topic

Grants and Awards

  • CIFNAL/GNARP (C&RL) Travel Award for the New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships: an International Symposium in Frankfurt, Germany, 2017

    • Competitive essay award allowing me to travel to Germany and represent UMD in a global setting.

  • McDaniel College Faculty Travel Award, 2015.

    • Competitive and selective award granted for impactful research and travel