DMD Boardgame

Client work to create a collaborative boardgame used to teach company strategies and business values.


Initial prototype board

Evolved board

Final board concept

Final card concepts


The task was to create a game, inspired by Pandemic, that require teamwork and communication to be played efficiently. 

To ensure a good atmosphere when playing, its designed so you cannot lose, yet the game becomes increasingly reliant on decision making as tasks pile up and disruptive events can flip the game upside down


The project culminated in a big event that required participants to learn, understand, play the game and reflect on it in a 3-4 hour continuous session.

To do this we had leaders learn the game prior to the event to help on location answering questions. We had a tutorial video giving a quick overview of everything as well as a rulebook with the most important information and only 3 pages. 

Images from the event and preparations to it