John E. Muñoz, PhD

Assistant Professor, Physiological Computing Researcher and Game Designer

Wilfried Laurier University and University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada

Physiological Computing, Assistive Technologies, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Human-Robot Interaction and Games for Health


I am interested in using human body signals to create more "humanized" assistive technologies based on games and interactive systems. My research has been applied mainly in healthcare scenarios from physical activity promotion for older adults to neurorehabilitation games for stroke patients. I got a B.S in Engineering Physics and a Master's in Bioengineering from the "Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira"  in Colombia and my PhD in Human-Computer Interaction at the NeurorehabLab (UMA/M-iti) in Portugal. I completed my PhD internship at NASA Langley in the USA under the supervision of Dr. Alan Pope. I completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Systems Design and Engineering Department of the University of Waterloo (Canada) working in the ITWIL and Social and Intelligent Robotics research laboratories, where I later became an adjunct professor. I joined the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Wilfried Laurier University as an assistant professor in the summer of 2024.  

Download the complete CV: academic, industry

Contact me:   john.munoz.hci(at)