Progress Report #1

June / July - 2020

Progress Reports

It's been about a month and I added, modified updated a lot of stuff since then.

Since a lot of people use MIA for pitch accents and the likes, I updated the anki decks accordingly.

Kanji Pop up dictionary:

  • Kanji are decolorized, and just in bold instead, leaving colours to MIA.

  • I modified the javascript and added breaklines after each kanji to make the files easy to read, if that's your thing. I needed to anyway to change the formatting for colours.

  • Modified the javascript to include a "component" (radicals) line to make it easier to learn. It's based on my own Kanji deck.

Card template

  • The "Sentence" field used to be the original text cleaned up for better accuracy for Morphman. The content is now directly in the "Expression" field by default, and the "Sentence" field became the "MIA" field. Which is the "Expression" field already modified for MIA. Makes sense ?

  • MIA modify the template with javascript depending on your set-up, so I couldn't modify the card template to something universal. Wrote a guide on imgur instead.

  • I added a bunch of sentences to explained what the lines of html / css were used for. Hopefully those who a have little or no knowledge of coding can understand better what to modify to suit their needs.


I keep updating decks based on my own experience, as I use them myself.

  • Reading are made automatically with japanese support which leaves room for erros. I corrected some of them. Like 家 being read as うち instead of いえ, あたし instead of わたし and so on.

  • Some sentence / cards deleted because of poor audio or something else.

  • Typos corrected either in japanese or english.

  • Dragon Quest had the most changes. The screenshots for the english looked bad and didn't always align with the japanese sentence. It was good as a short cut, but I rewrote the 300 cards, so now, the english is text only, like other cards, make the deck a lot better.

  • I dropped the 4 different decks for Pokemon Fire Red that included dictionary, a manual "morphman" order, and frequency list. The decks has the same template as the rest now, since add-ons and morphman automated the work.

  • Animal Crossing has not and will not be updated for MIA, since I don't see much of the point. If you want it, let me know, I'll update.

  • Yostuba and FF7 have not been updated yet, since I want to finish volume 1 first and clean up the whole script of FF7 before.


  • I finished added decks from the main two blogs where sub2srs decks are posted. So you'll see updates less often in that regard.

  • I deleted a bunch of media, focusing on high quality shows. They're more than 200 anime alone, so quantity is still present anyway.

  • Deleted entries for manga, since the data wasn't big enough, it didn't serve much purpose. And the links to bilingual manga became useless since they started to delete some of them on their website. I only kept Yotsuba, since I'm working on a deck and they have 32 chapters. So about 4000 lines.

  • With that I deleted the column for total chapters / episodes, since it was mostly used for manga. To make sure people understood manga had high readability because the sample was very small. Like 3 chapters of Dragon Ball out of hundreds... Now the number of chapter / episodes is the same as the total ones unless specified otherwise, so one column only and better layout.

  • Deleted readabily for Benjiro channel, it was mostly a test. I made the data with subtitles generated automatically by Youtube. After working on one video for an anki deck, and correcting lines one by one, the subtitles were not accurate enough.

  • I added a link to this page on all tabs, hopefully is not too intrusive.

  • I added columns of readability based on vocabulary you might already know. So Genki, Wanikani, Tango. Kinda like a benchmark. You'll see the results vary depending on the vocabulary they teach.

  • I updated the mecab dictionary for Anki. So better parsing, better accuracy for readability.

  • I added a tab with all the kanji in my deck. So all of RTK and all of KKLC.



  • - Anime - My neighbour Totoro

  • - Manga - Yotsuba. Chapters 6 and 7 are done, but I want to check the deck from the start, since it's been a while.

  • - Game - Chrono Trigger

  • - Grammar deck updated with lessons from NHK and Japanese pod, covering N5 and N4 material effectively. So all the basics.

  • - Grammar tab on the spreadsheet based on the anki deck.

  • - Adding card template for the kanji deck. Production, memrise style, maybe others. Adding the wanikani, kanji damage mnemonics as well.

  • - Game - Final Fantasy 7

I think that's it.