
I want to learn the most frequent words

The Core decks

A lot of people use one of the core2K decks. 2k means most 2000 frequent words. 

That frequency list was taken from newspaper wich doesn't really cover the most basic words a beginner needs.

I'd advise against it, as we have better option now.

I'm making a version of the core 2K that integrates the Tango approach as well. It's a work in progress, so, it's lacking in content but you can try it out here.

I want to learn in a progressive order

Tango JLPT books

The tango decks follow the JLPT levels. They will cover the most common vocabulary. What's great about it is that sentences are ordered in a +1 order. Review of the books.

Contact Nukemarine (he's a mod on r/learnjapanese) with proof of purchase of the books, and he'll send you the anki decks.

Kanji Order

I mentionned it in the kanji guide, I made a deck with all the words from the JLPT list that follows KKLC's Kanji order.
It doesn't include sentence or audio, so I don't particulary recommand it as your go to vocabulary deck, but it's an option.

I want to learn the vocabulary used in my textbook

Deck Generator

If you follow genki or minna no nihongo, you probably want to learn the vocab these book use. Use this website to create the anki deck you need. Or this one.

I want to learn with anime only, without textbook

Subs2srs Decks

Next step is immersion then.

Some say you should use tango or genki first to reach a certain level. Either way, check the Immersion step next to see all the different ways you can do that.