
Premade Note Style

This is a list of Premade Note Style you can download. It's a small deck with only card, but importing the deck will also import the Note Style.

You can change the note type of your cards in the browser. You simply need to match the old fields with the new ones.

The folder with the different notes is here, but you can also click on the name to download the individual note type.

This was inspired by this list, where you can find note types for other subjects than language learning.

  • The focus is on the audio, so it's on the front and the sentences is only on the back, with the translation.

  • I use it with Morphman, so the Focus Morph is on top, Migaku bulk add the definitions just below. If you don't use Morphman, those fields won't show up.

  • Because fields are hidden on the front, the shape of the card stays the same between front and back.

  • Furigana (on front), Name of the card, and Tags only appear if you have your mouse over the field (see first screenshot). There's always furigana on back.

  • The website will always deconstructs the japanese sentence giving a definition for each word. It's really useful for some conjugations I find.

  • The template is clean, and there are instructions for each field so you know what lines do what. So you can easily modify the template.

  • Note type will also import the files my Pop-up kanji dictionary. So you can click on any kanji to have all the information you'd want from a kanji deck.

  • You can choose to not display some elements easily throught the note type. Simply put add none to "display: " (right picture).

My Reading Note Type is practically exactly the same as my audio one. But since this is material with no native audio the focus is on reading the sentence.

  • The sentence is displayed on the front of the card.

  • The second thing is a button to display the full pages from where the sentence was taken. Japanese and English side by side. Click on the button again to hide them.

  • There are still audio fields. I use Awesome TTS add-on to add the audio to the sentence or just the focus morph.


Check the website for more informations.

  • A kanji Over: Hover any kanji for information about its grade level, meanings, and readings. Doesn't work with my Kanji Pop Up. Pick one.

  • JAGloss: Click on a word for the definition. Doesn't work on kana.

  • Pitch accent added with the Japanese Pronunciation / Pitch Accent addon.

  • website hidden by default. Visibility of the embed can be toggled by either clicking on it or by pressing tab on your keyboard.

If you want something simple for your subs2srs deck, this is it.

The note contains fields to match the subs2srs export and another one for the focus morph.

This is by the caretaker of Morphman.

  • It includes Eminent's Kanji over, similar to my kanji pop up. (The two are not compatible unfortunately).

  • Cards use Migaku for pitch accent, but you can disable it.

  • Some hyperlinks directly on the card.

The note template codes can be a little bit difficult to navigate if you're a beginner.