Communication Projects

"I've worked in so many areas—I'm sort of a dilettante. Basically, I'm not interested in doing research and I never have been. I'm interested in understanding, which is quite a different thing. And often to understand something you have to work it out yourself because no one else has done it." 

David Blackwell


礙於最佳訊息傳輸實驗的設備與人力資源不足以及老師體力有限,專題將以三類模式提供給有興趣的同學參與(112/03/07 updated):


好文共享大三學生應該「進研究室」嗎?  by 國立中山大學生物科學系副教授 顏聖紘


Regular Project Track Announcements

對此Track有興趣的同學(人以上)可結伴寫email給老師約時間討論,信件內容請附欲參與的學生清單、email以及想要進行的科目或主題 (112/09/13 updated)

專題主題先依參與同學興趣於老師專長領域內自由選擇,彙整後老師會依選擇狀況微調題目,此舉避免主題過度分散,亦希望彼此能以聚焦深入的方式瞭解一類主題。現階段實驗室方向不含硬體實作,僅透過程式模擬或數學推導驗證想法的正確性或效能因此參與此類專題者必須具備基礎程式撰寫能力(C or Matlab不拘)。

Study Group Track Announcements

對此Track有興趣的同學(六人以上)可結伴寫email給老師約時間討論,信件內容請附欲參與的學生清單、email以及想要進行的科目或主題 (112/09/13 updated)


Regular Project

Selected directions include the following subjects (but not limited to): 

Tentative project workflow: 

An oral presentation is necessary at the end of the semester, while a final report is further required when closing the project. 

If you have any questions regarding the communication project, you can email me at jjweng AT with 

Current Study Groups

2024W Study Group on Probability Theory

Author: Saeed Ghahramani

2024W Study Group on Discrete Time Signal Processing

Author: Alan V. Oppenheim


計畫編號:111-2813-C-019-014-E 成果報告:
執行起迄:2022/07/01~2023/02/28 核定金額:58,000元

執行起迄:2023/07/01~2024/02/29 核定金額:58,000元

Past Study Groups

2023W Study Group on Linear Algebra

Author: Serge Lang

2023W Study Group on Communication Systems

Author: Simon Haykin

2023W Study Group on Mathematics for Machine Learning

Authors: Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, and Chen Soon Ong

2023 Summer Study Group on Signals and Systems

Authors: Alan Oppenheim and Alan Willsky

2022W Study Group on Linear Algebra

2022F Study Group on Elementary Probability