Writing for Kids

Our kids have always enjoyed drawing and writing, even from a very young age. Most kiddos do seem to enjoy doodling, drawing, and writing. Somewhere along the way though, we tend to lose that excitement for writing. As a teacher, I see this all the time. Kiddos lose the love of writing because of all the restrictions we put on it - what to write, don't forget to spell that correctly, put a period, and a capital letter, and oh, spaces between your words.

Bring back the love of writing and creating!

Fostering a love of reading at an early age also helps to develop writing skills and the desire to want to create their own stories!

They have always loved drawing and writing! Encourage younger kiddos to draw and write - have a place to doodle, materials to use, and places to hang and display their works of art!

Having things to write on and various things to write with can make writing way more fun! Rainbow writing with markers and crayons, chalk, paint, anything! Scroll through to see more :)

Kid Writing - encourage younger kiddos to draw first, then label, listening for the sounds they hear in that word. Keep it stress free and fun!

Encourage kiddos to write about ANYTHING! Letters to Santa, Summer Bucket List, Grocery List, Recipes, anything they can to see why writing is important in real life!

Animal Riddle...

Of course it's a cardinal!

Creating a digital story about Barkley, our dog! You can do this with real photos, pictures they draw, Google Slides, fun apps like iMovie and Pic Collage. Keep it fun!

Being Barkley started out as a fun story to create in quarantine... it's about to become our next book with illustrations by Joe!

Stay tuned!

Being Barkley

The kiddos created a story and drew pictures to match photos we had of our new puppy. Another fun way to keep kids writing!
