Jill & Joe

Joe and I have known each other for years!  "Back in the day" as we like to say, we worked at the same pool together in the summers - so I'm 41, and I worked at the pool from the time I was 13 until I was 20.  Yep, we've known each other for a long time!

Fast forward a bit, I had the pleasure of having his son Charlie in my first grade class!!  During our Writing Workshop, I was noticing that my firsties just didn't like to write.  I invited Joe in as a guest because he had written a few books himself, and also illustrated them!  He brought in a copy of one of his books, a copy for each kiddo, and totally sparked their excitement for writing, and mine too!  

I had always wanted to be an author, but was hung up on the logistics.  The spark was lit, now I just needed the story...

From one of my favorite bloggers!

Candace at "Just Posted" shared our story on her FB page.  I am so grateful that she shared it and is spreading the message of love and loss, and finding comfort in grief and sorrow.  Thank you Candace!