Pop Pop's Bird

The Progression

I have always wanted to be an author, I just didn't know where to begin. I was too worried about logistics - who is going to print, who is going to illustrate, when am I going to write this book, how is this going to happen in real life?! I let all of that fear take over... until I discovered my story. I knew this story needed to be told, for so many reasons. Here's a glimpse into the journey of creating Pop Pop's Bird...

Sketches and layouts - scroll through to see them all!

A personal favorite - I love this page and everything about it!

Initial Character Development by Joe... AMAZING!

It's here!!!

Our amazing illustrator Joe... the cover is amazing!

Making final edits along side some very special cardinal gifts and my cardinal tree!

Addie seeing the book for the first time!!

Pop Pop's Bird Cover Art (4).mp4

Progression of the front cover illustration

The back cover story...

My dad took this photo with his phone. He fought us for years on having a cell phone, he said he didn't need one. We finally got him to carry one! He didn't know how to do anything on this flip phone, but at least he had one! On his trip to Myrtle Beach he sent this photo to my mom and said he thought she'd like it. Everyone was so impressed he figured out how to take and text a photo!

It was perfect to be the back cover of the book...

Our amazing new logo that Joe made!