Personal Blog

Sometimes things don't go as planned.  As soon as the book was released, there was a new journey and challenge ahead...

Here's where the story begins...       

Back in July and August I has having major headaches, headaches that would knock me down for a day or two.  After checking my blood pressure, which became insanely high, I made a call to my dr's office.  The dr I had been seeing had brushed me off time and time again saying I didn't need blood pressure meds.  He has since retired.  I met with a new PA and she was amazing; I was immediately put on meds and the BP came down and the headaches became almost non-existent.  She also wanted to do some other tests to make sure nothing else was going on - more specifically she was looking for adrenal gland tumors which can cause high BP.  She didn't think that was going to be an issue, but wanted to check anyway.  We did lots of blood work as well, she was being very thorough.  I was scheduled for a cat scan of my head as well as my abdomen.  Surprisingly, the abdomen cat scan came back showing multiple masses in my kidneys, not the news we wanted to hear.  What the PA was looking for was definitely not what she found, and what she saw was worse, but she just saved my life.  I was referred to a urologist who painted the worst picture for us; Adam and I left his office crying and just felt completely defeated.  We assumed it was renal cancer, but we weren't sure.  He sent me for a kidney biopsy.  At this point I was still teaching.  I took two days off for the biopsy and recovery and headed back to school on a Wednesday.  I was about to take my last class of the day - kindergarten!  I could hear them outside my classroom getting ready to come in.  I happened to pick up my phone to move it, because I typically take pictures of my classes to share with parents; and as soon as I picked it up, I saw the alert from the hospital app saying I had a new test result.  Do I open it?  Do I wait?  Of course not!  I opened it.  I scrolled to the bottom where it says the Final Diagnosis: DIAGNOSIS POSITIVE FOR NON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMA, AGGRESSIVE B-CELL LYMPHOMA WITH GERMINAL CENTER PHENOTYPE...I couldn't even process; I took a screen shot and sent it to my family.  For the next hour I taught Kindergarten STEM, then quickly fell apart and told my Principal, then got it together a bit to go outside and help with parent pick up for dismissal.  Then at 3:50 I got in my car to go home... I haven't been back since.  That was Sept. 22...

#CancerDiagnosis #CancerAwareness #CancerNowWhat #CancerBlog

So what about the kids...?

We have two kids - Ben is 12 and Addie is 10.  They knew something was going on because I was constantly going to appointments and they could sense the worry.  After we found out that I had kidney masses, but before we knew what it was, we did talk to the kids and told them the truth.  There were people who questioned my desire for wanting my kids to know, but in my mind, I wanted them to know the truth.  I don't hide things, I'm an open book (hence this blog), but I really felt like if I hid this from them, they'd find out from someone else and it would be even more devastating.  When we got the news, once I got home from school, we talked to the kids and told them the truth - I have cancer.  WOW that was hard to say!  We cried, we talked, we cried some more.  But if anything, I hope this teaches my children empathy and kindness for others, a lesson we can all benefit from! 

Shout out to Rachel Constein of Faith, Hope, and Caroline: Photo & Video for these beautiful photos of our crew - such a precious gift I truly treasure! 


#CancerMom #FightCancer #CancerBlog

The Next Two Weeks...

By this point I was completely done teaching; it broke my heart.  I love my job.  But I needed to take a leave of absence, for now... Within the next two weeks we were at the hospital daily.  Kidney biopsy, bone marrow biopsy, spinal tap (NEVER... AGAIN!), port insertion, blood work, and tons of new meds to take.  It was a fun two weeks (insert sarcasm)... but I have been amusing myself on Snapchat and this fluffer keeps me company too (I swear he knows something is wrong).  Adam has been wonderful, taking me everywhere I need to go.  We had a hashtag for a while there - #DrivingRadioactiveWoman - because of all the testing I had done, the nurse told me I was legitimately giving off gamma rays... you have to find the humor people! 🩸💉😷

Below are some pictures of this journey.  I told Adam I wanted him to take pictures, even if it seems weird.

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Oncologist... now that's a scary word

In a whirlwind of about two weeks, all the testing was done and I met with an oncologist here in Reading, but also consulted with an oncologist at Sloan Kettering in NYC.  Both agreed on the treatment - RCHOP.  I joined a Facebook support group and tried to learn all that I could about this treatment.  My plan, as is still stands, is 6 treatments of chemo - once every three weeks.  After the third treatment, we'll do another PET scan to compare to the "before" scan and see how it's working.  If it's not working, we consult again with Sloan and we will alter the plan to possibly the EPOCH treatment which requires a 5 day hospital stay for each treatment.  My team here has been wonderful!  Our nurse and nurse navigator answer all of our numerous phone calls and answer our crazy weird questions, and our team seems hopeful in this treatment plan.  Like the shirt says... #CancerYouPickedTheWrongChick 💪🎗️🙏

#CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

This man right here...

This man .  From the beginning of this journey, before we even knew what was happening, he was more worried than I was.  He's been there every single step of the way.  He's my chauffeur to all my appointments (soooo many of them), he's my prescription checker, my Wawa coffee runner, he makes ALLLL the calls to the nurse navigator and doctors at Sloan (not because I can't, but because I don't want to and my brain is mush), he does it all.  He's taking care of the house, the kids, and still working a full time job; and he's currently thinking about taking on a second job.  He doesn't get enough credit for all that he does, is doing and will do.  But I love this man dearly.  I wouldn't be able to do this without him!  🥰😘

#LifeWithCancer #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

The first day of chemo was Tues. Oct. 12 at 6:45am.  I was scared, but hopeful.  I kept trying to look at it as, one down, five to go!  At this first treatment, we tried something called Cold Capping.  It's a way to possibly prevent hair loss.  Long story short - the caps are frozen in dry ice, negative 35 degrees, and then on your head for 15 minutes; changed throughout your entire day of chemo (so caps changed every 15 min for 9 hours).  We had good intentions, really we did.  But when my mom (who is a nurse and not much scares her) told me that my scalp was burning and it looked bad (and I could feel it), I said forget it, this is not for me!  I felt like I failed for a hot minute but then realized it was just one more thing on top of everything else I needed to do and think about.  I tried it, that's what matters right?!  

The first treatment was about 9 hours, which they did warn me about.  They said if they are able to push the Rituxin (the R in R-CHOP) through, the next 5 treatments won't be as long.  Guess who had a reaction to the Rituxin, the last drug of the day?  Yep, this girl!  Soooo.... now all treatments will last that long because it needs to be a slow drip.  

Pictures for you viewing pleasure... cold capping, passed out, my rockstar mom pulling my cooler of dry ice and caps which burnt my head  🥶

#ColdCapping #Chemo #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog


I get it that not everyone believes in things like this; but this has truly helped me.  Actually, Ping picked up on the fact that there was a problem in my kidneys before the cat scan even showed it!  Acupuncture does not hurt, it's actually very relaxing.  Ping is a very intelligent woman, so I trust her completely.  She places the needles in specific spots and then based on your feelings or needs, she puts them in additional areas.  You lay under heat lamps and relax to calming music.  Acupuncture is also extremely helpful for chemo nausea.  After two days of severe nausea, I went to her specifically for that and within 24 hours I felt amazing!  BTW, do you see all those orbs...?!  Definitely not alone in this fight!

#AcupunctureForCancer #CancerBlog

Burn Bundles and Reiki

I have been getting massages for over ten years, from the same amazing massage therapist (Bonnie).  Bonnie is so talented and so knowledgeable.  She's very in tune to people and can pick up on things that others can't.  Although I have been getting only therapeutic massages, Bonnie suggested we try Reiki, which we then tried for the first time before my actual diagnosis, but in the thick of all the testing and the unknown.  It's insanely emotional, at least for me it is, and for her too!  The connection is something I can't even explain, but I leave there feeling energized yet calm.  The trust I have in Bonnie makes this even more powerful, things come up during our session that are emotional yet freeing.  The burn bundle above, is something we picked up from her massage school.  More details on the next pic!

#ReikiForCancer #CancerBlog

Full Moon Cleansing

Before my diagnosis, Bonnie shared with me that a great way to cleanse your mind and spirit is to have a little full moon ritual.  You might be thinking... WHAATT?!  

So you write down the things you want to release, things that no longer serve you - you can make a list, draw a picture, write a letter to someone, whatever you want.  Then you burn them!  So empowering!  We explained this to the kids so they could participate too.  We didn't ask to see what they wrote, but we let them safely burn the papers at our fire pit.  Then we burnt the bundle shown in the previous picture.  It smelled so good!  We sat outside, burned all of our negative junk that we wanted to release, enjoyed the full moon, and then made s'mores!  So powerful!

#FullMoonCleanse #FullMoonHealing #CancerBlog

"Check it out, we're bracelet buddies!"

Friends reference, in case you didn't catch that.  I've been binge watching Friends from the very beginning, that episode is a personal fave!  Anyway, Adam bought these on Amazon.  We initially thought we'd share them with family, but then his mom had a great idea.  Our family set up a Meal Train for us - HUGE thank you to all of you who helped us with that, it's been an incredible gift during such a crazy time!!  Adam's mom suggested that anyone who drops off a meal, we should be ready to give them a bracelet as a way to thank them but also raise awareness.  So - Adam ordered more!  If we missed you during the Meal Train and you'd like a bracelet, please let us know, we will make sure you get one!!

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Healing while still grieving...

This website is actually a site I started because I wrote my first book, which was released in August.  I've always wanted to be an author but never really knew how to go about it.  I wrote a book called Pop Pop's Bird - dedicated to my dad, who passed away suddenly 7 years ago.  This picture was taken on my wedding day (obviously) but shows a man who taught me soooo very much - you fight, you don't give up, you don't let ANYONE get in your way or tell you that you can't do something, you fight like a Smith because that is just what we do.  Those lessons have definitely helped me as I start this insane journey.  But I can't help but wonder, if he was here right now, how would he be handling this?  I don't think he'd be handling it very well.  He was our silent protector, but a big freaking teddy bear to his grand babies and to us when we needed it.  You always knew where you stood with him, you never had to guess.  He said what he felt, he meant what he said, and he was brutally honest.  Tomorrow is our anniversary, and I still remember this day and what he said to us and he "handed" me over to Adam - "be good to each other" - we try, some days are harder than others, but we are stronger now than we ever were.  Thank you dad for gifting me those traits - I truly needed them for this journey right here, right now.  😇💔

#Grief #LifeAfterGrief #LoveAndLoss

30 days of Gratitude...

Although some days it's hard to be grateful and thankful when you're in the thick of all of this - appointments, chemo, meds, tests, feeling sick, feeling exhausted, yet trying to be "normal" - honestly, it's the best time to find something to be grateful for.  I was feeling very blah this weekend.  My hair started coming out in clumps, I was just feeling extremely emotional and drained.  I decided that for the 30 days of November, I am going to push myself to find and then post (it's my version of accountability) something that I am grateful for.  It could be a person, a place, an experience, or something small.  The idea is to just get into that mindset of being grateful, even though things seem hard right now.  I am grateful for all that I have, but I need to remind myself of it right now, and not dwell on all the other things happening... 

#Gratitude #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Cancer and COVID?!


So our daughter was sent home to quarantine because of an exposure at school during lunch.  We immediately had her quarantined to her bedroom and anytime we were around each other, we wore masks.  Fast forward a few days to when she was allowed to be tested... POSITIVE!  

Are.  You.  Kidding me?! (pretty sure that's what I said to the school nurse on the phone...)

So we immediately called the oncologist to find out what we needed to do.  They said if I test positive, that will delay my chemo, which I was scheduled for just a few days from her positive test date.  We went to the facility that was recommended for asymptomatic exposures and it was $150 for me to get the rapid test.  So, because we needed to know, we paid it!  Twenty minutes later, that little My Chart app dings on my phone... another moment of truth.  NEGATIVE.  Thank goodness!!

On top of everything else we are trying to navigate as a family, COVID is still a very real thing and it's part of this mix.  We have to be so careful that I don't pick something up because my body simply can't handle it.  But they're kids - they don't get it, they don't understand why they can't hug me right now, why I can't kiss them goodnight, and why we now have to eat dinner in separate rooms and FaceTime each other while we eat!

Trying hard to find the silver lining and be grateful each and everyday; hoping in the end that my own children will learn empathy, compassion and love.  <3

#CovidSucks #CovidAndCancer #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Kale anyone?

On the first day of chemo, the nurses told me that they will always do blood work as soon as we come in, before they will even get my chemo ready.  She said that IF my levels are off, I might be sent back home and chemo will be delayed for a bit, or I'll need shots or treatments with other drugs to boost my levels.  I was terrified while waiting for that first round of blood work, for fear that I was going to be sent home.  Luckily everything was fine, I was good to go!

Fast forward to an acupuncture appointment shortly after my first chemo, Ping mentioned that kale would be really beneficial to me, especially now.  I'm not a huge fan, I'll eat it in salads, but, eh...

So I've been trying to boost my levels naturally by making smoothies - Boost drinks, frozen fruit, this new juice Adam found, and you guessed it, kale!  It's kind of weird because you can still taste the kale pieces, but, if it helps to boost my levels and my immune system, then I'm all for it.  

Bottoms up!  

Awesome cup courtesy of a student I had last year <3

#CancerFoods #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog 

Round 2 - an interesting day....

So after the chaos of our daughter testing positive for COVID, we had to of course talk to our oncologist and find out what they wanted us to do.  I tested negative thank goodness, or I would not have been able to get treatment until after a full quarantine.  We talked with our dr. and everything was squared away, treatment on Wed. at 6:45... still a go!

After getting stuck behind an accident on 422 and panicking that we were going to be late, we get there at 6:45.  They told me I wasn't on the list and my appointment had been cancelled.  Deep breath...

I could have flipped, I could have cried (which honestly I really wanted to), I could have made a scene.  But what would that have gotten me?!  Nothing.  Apparently there was a mix up between the on call staff we talked to over the weekend, the main staff, and the notes in my file that were then overlooked.  They did what they could to move things around and about 2 hours later I was back in the infusion center.  I had my treatment - 2 down, 4 to go, and that better be it... FOREVER!

Just reminds me of that little life lesson - you can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.  Be kind.  Put yourself in someone else's shoes for a minute.  It'll all work out!

*Photos for your viewing pleasure - the best is the Red Devil, and I look kind of evil staring at the nurse who is about to give it to me...

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Unpack it, but don't live there...

I've heard this quote, or versions of it, so many times before.  But now it really makes so much sense.  It's been an emotional few days - I don't know if it's the combination of the stress of COVID and cancer, my hair is falling out in major clumps (I think it's almost time to shave it), or just the stress of the holidays coming up too and knowing that things will not be normal again for a while - but everything is coming to a head.  I have been pretty positive and strong, but some days, I just want to scream. and cry like a toddler having a tantrum.

I saw this quote twice in one day and knew I needed to remind myself of exactly this - you are human, you have feelings, this is hard, this sucks, but... you can unpack it all and stay in that miserable place, or you can unpack it all and move on.  

I choose to move on...


Oh Shiny...

After Round 2 of chemo I could feel myself getting negative and feeling miserable.  Part of it is that I have been sitting here at home for over 6 weeks.  If you know me, you know this is torture.  I am a doer - I am constantly on the go, I am a wife, mom of two, teacher, I take on a lot but that's just who I am.  I love to be busy and have fun and explore whatever I can!

I have sat here looking at Autumn decorations for those 6 weeks, and while I love orange and red, I'm getting a little annoyed with them, ha!  So... Adam lit up the window right next to where I park myself each day.  On these early mornings when no one is awake yet (my new normal wake up time is between 3-5am!) it's nice to just sit here and stare at something else.

One thing I've learned throughout this process is, don't be afraid to ask!  I never ask for help, I never ask for much, but right now, I don't have a problem asking.  Do what makes YOU comfortable and what makes you feel good!  For your listening pleasure - one of my favorite bands, Coldplay!  I do not own the rights to this song, it's take directly off You Tube.  

Proud Big Sister...

Today my brother competed in a Jiu-Jitsu open to Tap Out Cancer in Philadelphia.  He raised over $500 for this amazing cause and took the Silver!  I am so proud of you Matt, thank you for doing this! 

#TapOutCancer #ProudSister #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma  #CancerBlog

My friend Chrissy shared this with me.  I had never heard this song or seen this video, but it's perfect, for so many reasons!

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #YouPickedTheWrongChickCancer #Fearless #CancerBlog

Last year, as an end of the year gift, one of my sweet firsties and his family gifted this beautiful journal to me.  I knew I had to save it for something special.  After being diagnosed, I knew this would be my journal, my place to jot ideas, thoughts, questions, doodle, anything I wanted.  One thing I added to the inside covers (front and back) are mini vision boards.  If you've never used a vision board before, they are SO powerful!!  We've used them for years and I am telling you, the power of creating a board for all the things you want to manifest in life is so very powerful.  So I cut up a few magazines, added some stickers I had, and created something visual to look at and read when I feel the need to, or when I get my journal out to write and doodle.  Learn more about vision boards here if you're interested.  

I'm telling you, it works. #VisionBoards #TheSecret #Journaling #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

This week was filled with appointments, mostly my holistic appointments that I feel are doing wonders for me, and a neurology appt.  When this whole thing started, I was diagnosed with intercranial hypertenstion, which required meds and to see a neurologist and a neuro-ophthalmologist (which also prompted the cat scan of my organs, looking for a related tumor, this is where the rabbit hole started).  There were so many unknowns - how does this happen, is it because my high blood pressure went untreated for so long, usually people with this are much older and have other health issues; so many questions.  I started going to Ping for acupuncture for the headaches I was having and now she's helping me with so much more than that!  This week we focused on the headaches (hence the needles in my head!) and the fatigue (stomach) that the chemo is causing.  When I saw the neurologist this week he said things looked good and I could come off of the one med he had prescribed - one med off my list!!  Ping said she was so proud of me, that I look good and seem well.  She is definitely helping me on this journey so she deserves credit too!  I would recommend acupuncture to anyone, not just if you're going through something major.  It has so many benefits!

I'm having a hard time with the hair thing.  I know it's temporary and it's part of this journey, but as a woman, it's hard to watch it just fall out in clumps.  I ordered some soft cap/beanies and I just couldn't do it.  I tried one on and looked in the mirror... Nope!  There was this mental, emotional feeling that just was overwhelming.  I have no problem sharing my journey and I don't mind that people know I have cancer (hence this blog); it wasn't about that.  But it was more about the negative connotation that goes along with the scarves and beanies - it made me feel ill and terminal and I hated it.  I know so many people wear them, and it's a personal choice.  I just couldn't.  So, I did some looking on Amazon (my fave!).  I am a hat girl - that's pretty much my normal summer look while running the kids to swim practice, swim meets and spending time at the pool - hats!  So if you're looking for some fun hats, check this out: 

Another Full Moon Cleanse - I shared about these before, but man are they powerful!  And this one was a lunar eclipse on top of a full moon, so fascinating to me!  We grabbed another burn bundle of dried herbs and spices and wrote down the things that we want to release and let go of, the things that no longer serve us, and the the things we want to manifest instead.  There's no right or wrong way to do this, you just do it your way.  But the goal is to RELEASE all of the things that you no longer want and the things that no longer serve you in your life - grief, fear, anxiety, anger, anything you're feeling that isn't bringing you to your best personal self.  Let it go, like Elsa, but burn it!  ✨🌝🔥

Side note - do you see all of those orbs - yet another thing that is fascinating to me!  Every picture we took that night had orbs floating, but in different places...

Some of my faves!

Palo Santo Sticks

Smudge Kit

The truth about cancer…

See, the thing is, there’s no right or wrong way to do this.  When I got this diagnosis, I tried SO hard to be positive.  Some days it felt like a flat out lie.  Like, “you naive woman, this is serious, why are you trying to be positive right now?!”  Then some days, I believed in my positivity, thinking this was more of a mind over matter kind of thing.  In no way is this meant to offend anyone, rather, it’s a raw look into what it’s really like to be diagnosed with cancer, during a pandemic, over the holidays…the truth, it’s a roller coaster of emotions that no one can prepare you for.  So here goes….  

At first, people are all over you.  It reminded me so much of when my dad died.  Everyone was sending messages, dropping by, touching base, and they were all truly sincere, it was so appreciated!  But as life goes on for everyone else, as it should, it becomes pretty lonely.  I tried to explain to my family that everyone else’s lives went on, but mine didn’t (so when I have a mini meltdown, there’s a reason behind it).  I can’t work (which I love), I can’t really go anywhere, I can’t really see people; it’s lonely, isolating, and depressing.  COVID makes this so much worse.  If it weren’t for this added layer of needing to be safe, I think things would be so different.  I can’t afford to catch a cold, let alone COVID (if I do, my treatments are delayed and I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen!), so being in large groups of people (like my kids' swim practice and meets), forget it; hanging out with a bunch of friends, nope; even hanging out with family, not really, unless everyone is masked, and no one is eating.  It’s not about COVID or being scared of that; it’s about me catching the smallest germ and it making my already suppressed immune system fail and then chemo is delayed.  It’s crazy, but this is what it’s really like day in and day out.  

When you go through something like this, it’s hard because no one can really understand what you are going through.  They can be there for you, but they can’t do it for you.  In the end, this is my fight.  Mine alone.  Sometimes when people find out that someone they know or someone close to them has cancer, there’s one of two paths they seem to take (my observation) - slowly backing up or constantly checking in.  I have come to realize that it’s not personal, it’s more about them and their comfort level with this.  Maybe they are scared, maybe they’ve had experiences from their own past where they knew someone with cancer, or maybe it makes them think about their own mortality - either way, it’s ok.  Sometimes people back up because they don’t know what to say, or how to help, and it’s just what they need to do.  Some people seem to be more present; maybe they aren’t as afraid or they aren’t worried about saying or doing the right thing, it’s just who they are to be present and be there.  There’s no right or wrong, good or bad; it’s just what I’ve come to notice.  

Throughout this journey, I’ve learned a lot.  From the first test that showed kidney masses, feeling terrified of what my fate would be, I kept thinking about what this was trying to teach me.  I am a firm believer that things happen to you to teach you something.  Sometimes, it’s a hard lesson to learn because maybe you’re too stubborn and haven’t learned it yet despite other life circumstances and experiences that were meant to teach you this very thing, and now, it’s in your face, there’s no more hiding from it…

I’ve learned that I need to rely on and accept help from other people.  If you know me well, you know I am a doer - I get the job done and I don’t usually ask for help.  It’s just who I am.  Maybe I don’t ask for help because I think people will let me down; maybe I don’t ask for help because I think I should be able to do it all myself, like that makes me strong or something; maybe it’s just because I’ve always been a responsible kid who turned into a responsible adult with pressures of needing to be the best, needing to be perfect, and needing to do it all myself - but whose pressures are they?  They’re mine…

I’ve learned that I need to be ok by myself and with myself.  I’m a social being, I love being around other people, and I just love people in general.  But, if this journey has taught me anything, it’s that I needed to figure out who I am once and for all.  Most days I sit here in my living room, alone.  While Adam works, the kids go to school, I have the occasional visitor, but most days it’s just me.  At first it was torture.  Who am I if I’m not being a wife, a mom, a taxi, a teacher, a daughter, a sister, a friend?  Who am I, what do I do, now what?!  I hated every second of it… at first.  Then I started to realize that maybe this was a lesson I needed to learn - to be at peace with ME.  Who am I?  What am I good at?  Why does it bother me so much to sit here by myself?  All things to ponder, because now I have the time to work on myself.

I’ve learned something else; something I already knew, but after the slap in the face that was this diagnosis, it’s the most important thing to me after this is all said and done...  when this all started, I told Adam I thought if anything, this was to teach me and us that we needed more fun in our lives, we needed to say yes to more things that were fun and no to things that didn’t serve us.  We are focused on continuing to make memories as a family, scheduling all the fun things we’ve said we’ve always wanted to do and we are just going to do them, no excuses anymore.  

I just finished round 3 of chemo the day before Thanksgiving, and it was emotional and anxiety filled this time, I'm not sure why.  But I'm halfway there, and I will continue to fight as hard as I can to beat this thing!

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Snapchat for wig prep?

I know, it sounds ridiculous.  But when you're a woman and you lose your hair, there's something truly traumatic about it.  It sounds so vain, I know, but hear me out - imagine when you wash your hair or brush your hair that it not only sheds but it comes out in huge clumps.  It startles you.  It makes you cry.  And then it makes you feel like less of a woman.  For a little bit anyway.  Unless you've ever experienced what I am talking about, you can't truly understand the feeling.

My daughter wants me to get a pink wig, when the time comes.  I'm at the point of needing a wig; most of the hair on top of my head is gone, but I still have some in the back, it's super weird, like a mullet but without the hair on top... a skullet maybe?!

So in good fun, we checked out Snapchat, because, why not.  They have some amazingly pink wigs I think my daughter would approve of.  She really likes the tiara wig...  :)  Scroll through for a laugh!

Wig Day!

I heard about a local salon called Thanx Hair Artistry (in Reiffton).  The owner, Diane, is amazing!  For personal reasons, years ago, she became involved with supplying wigs for people who are going through chemo and are losing their hair.  

We went there yesterday (12-7) and had a consult with her.  She walked us through wig care, I tried on quite a few, and I ordered one.  She orders one wig for you, for FREE!  It's her personal service that she offers through her salon.  What a wonderful gift!  She said it's funded through the business and donations from her clients, it made my heart smile.

The new wig is now ordered and should be arriving next week, just in time for the holidays!  I also had to order a fun pink one for my daughter, so that will be next!  

If you or anyone you know if going through chemo and is in need of a wig, please have them check out Thanx Hair Artistry, Diane is truly an angel!  <3 

Today's the day (12-8)

Mid cycle PET scan: 

the moment of truth...

I've been feeling really good.  I am one of the lucky ones, to a degree, but I've also been doing a LOT of work to get where I am.  I meditate, journal, blog, go to reiki, acupuncture, I read and watch things that are interesting and educational, or funny and mindless, and I am trying to keep a positive outlook.  Some days, it's SUPER hard.  Some days it's easy.

The past few days I've been prepping for my PET scan - no carbs and no sugar (which means no coffee with cream!), it makes you very weak, tired and pretty miserable (for me anyway, I like my carbs!).  But the scan was scheduled for 8:30am this morning.  

I felt good going into to it.  It sounds weird to say, but I felt like the cancer was already gone from my body.  

The prep itself was over and I was ready for the scan.  The nurse was having a really hard time getting a vein, I think I was dehydrated from the prep itself.  But she finally got one and they administered the radioactive sugars.  I waited an hour and went back for the scan.  The entire time I laid there I just kept saying my mantras of things I try to say during my day to day life: "I am cancer free", "Thank you for my healing", "Remission Accomplished".  Over and over and said them, I meditated while I was in the scan tube, and I felt calm, that tingly sensation kept coming over me.  Chills, goosebumps, whatever you call them.

We left and I immediately went to Wawa, I needed a coffee and carbs!  I came home and journaled a bit, shared some thoughts (that journal is just for me), and I relaxed and drank my coffee.  At 11:11 my husband sent me a text that said, "Make a wish" (because it's 11:11 and we do that around here!).  So I did.  About 10 minutes later my phone dinged and the My Chart app showed "You have 1 new test result"...

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Today was the day I picked up my wig, courtesy of Thanx Hair Artistry.  I ordered a short one (pictured second) because it was the closest to my normal hair style; I've had my hair long before, but most recently had just chopped it so the hair loss wouldn't be as traumatic.  

I asked Addie if she wanted to come with me - she loves all things hair, makeup and beauty.  I knew she'd be my helper.  We went in and Diane told us that she ordered another wig too; so both my wig and this other wig were out for me to try on.  I went in thinking that I was going to get the one I ordered, it's shorter, easier, low maintenance.  However, Addie had other plans.  She was begging me to try on this new one - it's red!  I told her I felt like Ariel the mermaid, who just so happens to be my FAVORITE Disney princess ever - I still know every word to that movie!!  So Addie prepped me with the cap and I tried them both on, about ten times each haha!!  She kept saying, "Oh mommy come on it's so pretty, just do it!" haha!  I told you, she had her mind made up!

There was just something about this red wig - it was out of my comfort zone, it was FIERY red, making me feel kind of like this journey.  I read this quote a while ago that said "I survived because the fire within me burned brighter than the fire around me" (Josh Graham).  That's how I truly feel - such chaos around me, one thing after another.  But that fire, oh it burns.  I have big plans for when this is OVER.  I needed that red wig!  Scroll through to see our fun wig experience.

Thank you Diane at Thanx Hair Artistry for this wonderful gift!!  She was so great with Addie she played with her hair too and gave her extension clip in bangs!  Addie was in her glory!!  <3

Round 4 Here We Go!

Dec. 15 8am ...

We had our appointment with our oncologist before treatment, which is usually how it goes.  He was so excited to show us the PET scan images.  His words, "it's completely gone" but we still have some work to do.  I had my 4th round and everything went smoothly.  It was a loooong day though, about 9 hours.  My mom is a trooper, it's so boring to be the person to sit there with me, because I'm in and out of what I call my Benadryl nap.  Every time she or Adam take me, I just apologize for how boring it must be for them because I am not my talkative self, ha!

We were talking to the nurse about when it's time to ring the bell, to which I asked, "where is the bell anyway" and she literally turned around and said, "right there" - I stared at that thing all day.  Envisioning what that will look like in a little over a month!  She did say that kids under 13 are not permitted, but I am going to BEG anyway... I want my kids there.  They deserve to see me ring that bell!!  This has taken a toll on them and they deserve to see it!!  Persuasive mama bear Jill is on it!  <3

*Rockin' my Lewes, Delaware hat my aunt Jeanne & Uncle Dave sent me!  



Not everyone "gets" why I'm doing this, and that's ok.  I know I am very transparent and very open, and that's not for everyone.  Again, that's ok.

My amazing Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Lisa Hess, has shared resources and quotes from Brene Brown for quite some time now.  I dabbled into looking her up, following her on Twitter, Instagram, etc. and I always have loved how blunt she is.  I can relate!  Last night after my long chemo day, the kids were at swimming and the house was quiet, so I watched her Netflix special "Call to Courage", it was amazing!  I found myself laughing, crying, nodding my head, alllll the feels.

This quote really resonated with me.  There's something about being truly vulnerable, putting yourself out there regardless of what others say, regardless of the outcome (which you can't control anyway, and as a HIGH controller like me, that's some scary stuff!).  

The purpose of this blog was not to be in your face about what I'm going through or look for pity or sympathy - it's to help someone, anyone, anywhere, going through a similar experience.  Since sharing this news I've had quite a few friends reach out and ask me about it because they too were going through scary medical things.  This moment of being vulnerable is super scary... but if it helps someone else, that's all that matters.  Thanks for joining me on this journey.  <3

A different kind of Christmas...

These last few months have been so strange; the hustle and bustle is not the same, we haven't done too much outside of our home, and it just feels weird.   Mostly we have kept to our home because of trying to keep me safe - avoiding sickness and extra germs  that my body cannot handle.  But with that intention to keep me safe, comes a different price... feeling lonely, bored, and like we are doing nothing.

It's hard to see photos of what everyone else is up to, seeing all the fun traditions people are creating or continuing ( I know, I know, get over it, I am, hear me out).  But, there is a silver lining to that... at least I'm trying to find one.

I keep thinking of things I want to do next year during the holidays, things we didn't get to do from basically October to now.  Places we've never been, things we've never done, and experiences I want to have for not only myself and Adam but for Ben and Addie too.  I am hanging onto those future experiences to get me through these next few months while I wind down my chemo, boost my immune system back up and get well.

I've spent these last few months learning so much about myself, letting go of grief and pain, moving into a new body that appreciates and prioritizes myself, and I'm learning that things truly do happen for a reason.  

This quote spoke to me when I saw it.  It isn't just for the holidays, this has been my life for the past few months - slow down, simplify, believe good things will happen and search for peace, tranquility and calm.

I wish you all the most magical holiday season, filled with laughter, love and joy, surrounded by the people you love, because truly, there is nothing better than that!  <3 Jill

Boostin' Up!

Today I got my booster shot.  I was really nervous about it, not because shots bother me or anything, but because I am being really superstitious I think.  I've had both of the other doses of the vaccine (pre cancer diagnosis) and I was fine.  I think I'm just feeling like alllll the things I'm doing are keeping me on the path of beating this thing and I don't want something to mess it up!

But here's to science, here's to medicine, here's to ending this COVID thing and hoping that this booster protects me while I finish up my treatments.  With all the exposures my children have had, I have been very lucky this far.  We are doing our part!


My friend Brooke sent this to me and WOW did it resonate...

Social media... ah she's a tricky little thing isn't she?!  I know so many people who try so hard to keep up with other people because everyone is posting their highlight reel on these channels.  Let's be honest, we don't post things that make us look bad, we post the best of what's happening.  And that's great, it really is!  I do it too!

But let's be honest, sometimes we compare.  It's hard not to.  But really, what does that get us?!  NOTHING!   

So as you see people post things about their yearly recap or they post their goals for 2022, just remember, you aren't them, you don't have their experiences, their baggage, or their life.  Take what you see with a grain of salt.  It's not all unicorns and rainbows, even for the people posting amazingly glam posts.  

I've always tried to be someone who doesn't care about what others think (I have my moments, I'm human), but I do try.  If this experience has taught me anything, it's that you have to be true to yourself, be you, be different, be weird, who cares!  There's only one you, be true to it.


I am usually a HUGE proponent of making goals, resolutions, and kicking off the new year with some serious ambition.  Not that I don't feel that this year, but it's different.  I have goals, I have ambition, but it's so different than it normally is...

Over the last 3 months, I have learned so much.  I have learned and explored things that I never would have if it weren't for this new journey I'm on.  I've learned more about reiki, acupuncture, spirituality, and astrology, I've written more in this short time frame than I have in years, I've learned how to meditate and use visualization for manifestation, and I've learned how to truly release old feelings and emotions that were doing more damage to me than I realized.

I still have goals for this year, but they're different now.  Every year I create a vision board and I create a board that shows everything I want in that next year.  Looking back on old boards, there were so many things I was working for that were related to work, titles, etc.  And at the time, those goals were perfect for where I was in my life.  After I created my board for this year I realized that this board didn't include one work related goal, and for the first time in a long time, I'm ok with that.

Now it's my turn.  That's hard to say, and I think many other women can agree; we don't usually put ourselves first.  But this year, it's a priority, it's a must, my overall health depends on it.  My focus is me, my health, my mental well being, my continued healing.  If those things aren't a priority, then I can't give myself to my family, my friends, my students.  This year, the focus is just different, and for once, I'm ok with that... 

*Thank you to my sister for sending this to me <3

These last few weeks have been a mix of emotions.  I just finished round #5 of chemo, only one more to go!  Although I feel so excited about only having one more round to go, there's that part of me that is scared that once treatments stop, will I still be ok?  It's like this battle in my brain - the meds help, we need them, what happens when treatment is over, will it come back?!

I have been doing so many other things to heal my body and I know those things are just as important.  So my plan is to keep doing those things and keep working on my mental, spiritual and physical healing equally.   It's just a scary place to be... the What Ifs creep in and try to take over.  I can't let them...

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

In the last month, I have lost two friends to cancer.  Both women had very different types of cancer and while everyone's journey with this disease is different, I can't help but be angry and want to scream how much I HATE CANCER!

I try very hard to be positive and be strong, letting only good vibes come in and out; but let's be real, some people survive this diagnosis and continue to live a long, healthy life, while others do not.

While everyone's story is different, while everyone's journey takes them on a path made just for them, it's still hard.  I am trying so very hard to remember the positive things about these two women - their strength yet their gentle nature, their smiles (such big, beautiful smiles), what amazing wives and mothers they both were, and how much I can learn from them, even though they are not here anymore.  

While my story has been different thus far, and I pray that my story does not end here, I am truly learning to take those lessons and live.  💞😇✨

#AngelsWatchingOverMe #CancerBlog

When the moon is almost full and it's snowing, it's a perfect time to cleanse!  So many people have asked me about this and I can't say enough wonderful things about a full moon cleanse.  There's something about burning and letting go of all that does not serve you anymore.  Here's a basic rundown of what, where, when, and why:

What & Where:  a full moon cleanse; outside preferably or inside with candles -  up to you!

When - the night of a full moon, or the night before or after (3 day window)

How: Write down all the things you wish to LET GO of, all the things that do not serve you anymore; the act of writing it alone is very cathartic; then BURN IT!

Why:  Release all the things that no longer serve you, things that bother you or are giving you feelings of grief, sadness, anxiety, frustration, anger, etc.  Why would you want to hold on to that?  Don't.. burn it!

January 17, 2022 - the moon is full and in Cancer, it's also a Wolf Moon.  ENJOY! 🌝♋🔭💫

Some of my faves:

Palo Santo Sticks

Smudge Kit

Look at these beauties!  Not only are they gorgeous to look at, but they do serve a purpose.  After being diagnosed, I promised myself to be open and try anything.  I'm typically an open person anyway, and there are lots of things I was interested in or found intriguing, but never had the time to dive in.  Astrology, meditating, and crystal healing were three of those things.  I have been digging into astrology and learning about my natal chart, my sign, my path, and more about myself.  I started meditating about two months ago and I absolutely love it!  I stumbled upon a video about crystals and became so intrigued, I had to keep learning!  Crystals, like everything else, are made of energy.  Each crystal has a healing property that can then be used while you meditate or set intentions.  I have been using these while I meditate and think about the intentions I am setting for everything in my life - health, well-being, family goals, professional goals, and anything I want to manifest.  To some, this sounds crazy.  To me, this is another way to focus on what I want, and not what I don't want.  If you're interested in learning more about crystals, this is my favorite channel: 

Some of my FAVE crystals:

Natural Crystal Set


Clear Quartz

Aragonite Cluster

Sunstone Star Cluster

🪨🔭💫 #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CrystalsForCancer #CrystalHealing #CancerBlog


Today will forever be etched into my mind...

Never did I ever think this would be me:

Saying “I have cancer” - for real?!

Tossing and turning all night wondering “what if”

Having anxiety over my future, if there is one…

Praying that my kids are still thriving and not suffering

Watching my husband do it all and wishing he didn’t have to

Asking myself over and over, “Did I cause this, what could I have done differently?!”

Trying to keep things normal during cancer and COVID; that’s a fun duo 

Losing my hair, sounds so vain, I know, but it really messes with your head, literally and figuratively

I have joked, in a sense, that this was a blessing in disguise… one that slapped me upside the face.  One that forced me to stop, think, and act.  Not because I was doing anything wrong, I thought I was doing everything right; but because I didn’t do enough for me.  I’ve used this time to learn things I would have never learned otherwise and used various means of medicine to heal myself:

🤐🧘‍♀️ meditation 

🌕🔥 full moon cleansing 

🔭♋ astrology 

👀💭 visualization 

👄 mantras 

🎎🔆 acupuncture & reiki 

🪨✨crystal healing

🎵 vibrational music

📖 journaling

I’ve learned more about myself and have done more FOR myself in the last 4 months than I had in 41 years.  Today I rang that bell.  I rang that bell loud and proud because it means something.  Until you hit your rock bottom, you don’t know.  Until you’ve been here, wondering your fate, you just don’t know.  ✨🔔💫

One of the many lessons I learned is to remember that things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.  I will never forget this time of my life for so many reasons, not because I plan to continue to live in fear or be scared of the “what ifs”, but to realize that I have more to do here. I am definitely not done here.  💪🎗️🙏

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #RingThatBell #RingingForCancer #EndOfTreatment #CancerBlog

About a month ago, while I was meditating one night, I got this strong push to do some writing.  It was like the universe was telling me to write about this journey.  Not about the cancer, not about being sick, or anything like that.  It was this pull to write about the journey of self healing, self discovery, and self love.  I am wrapping up my latest book, another children's book.  But this new book would be for adults, mostly women.  I think in this day and age, women put too much pressure on themselves; and I truly think that I got "here", in this place of being diagnosed, because I hit my limit, in so many ways.  I have been starting to take notes on how I want this book to look and what I want the overall lesson to be, and I'm hoping that it portrays everything I've gone through these last few months and gives someone else a glimmer of hope, when they need it most... stay tuned!

*these are some words that keep coming to mind for a title...

Small Victories

This week is all about the small victories.  Last week I finished my 6th round of chemo and rang that bell!  While that felt so amazing, it's almost like things aren't final yet, at least in  my head.  I am waiting for that PET scan to SHOW ME proof that this cancer is gone and that I am in full remission.  In the mean time, this week is all about the small little victories to be excited about...

Yesterday I finished my last steroid dose - doesn't sound like much but they're brutal (100mg daily for 5 straight days, no taper, like I said, brutal, and lots of side effects).  I finally exercised yesterday for the first time in months, I walked on the treadmill and while it wasn't a huge workout, it was huge for me at this place in my journey.  And then, we had hair!  I have the weirdest hair pattern right now, bald on the top, party in the back.  Yesterday I found some cancer curls on top of my bald head (scroll to the next pic), to which Addison is very excited (she's got a full head of crazy beautiful curls!) and she's excited we'll be twins, ha!  

Trust me, I have my moments of feeling sorry for myself, but this week I choose to celebrate these small victories as they continue to come my way!  💪🚶‍♀️👩‍🦱🎗️

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Recently I finished the book The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, a gift from someone who has been a mentor, colleague, and friend to me.  It took me a while to start reading, as I was reading a various other books in my now "free time" - but once I started, I couldn't stop.  I think I read his almost 200 pages in 2 days.

Holiday says, "We forget: In life, it doesn't matter what happens to you or where you came from.  It matters what you do with what happens to you and what you've been given.  And the only way you'll do something spectacular is by using it all to your advantage."  

I've been trying really hard to do just that.  Some days are harder than others, but I've been trying to make the most of the obstacle that was put in my path a few months ago.  

Holiday shares how sometimes we think to ourselves, "that stuff happens to other people, not to ME.  I have plenty of time left", which I know I had my moments of thinking "why me" in the beginning of all of this.  He goes on to say, "It's a cliche question to ask, What would I change about my life if the doctor told me I had cancer.  After our answer, we inevitably comfort ourselves with the same insidious lie: Well, thank God I don't have cancer."  The funny thing, this book isn't about cancer at all, it's about facing obstacles of any kind and overcoming them.

It's been a weird week.  Last Sunday my husband shaved what was left of my hair.  While I've had my moments of hating how I look and thinking, "why me, this isn't fair", I'm trying really hard to remember the message of this book.  Look at the obstacle, "rename it and claim it" and move on!  

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #CancerBlog

Life after cancer...

Being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the age of 41 was the most terrifying  moment of my life.  I had so many questions;  Will I die?  How will my husband and kids react to all of this, will they be ok?!  What will treatment be like, how will my body tolerate it?  Will I lose my hair?  What about work?  

The last few months have been been stressful, isolating and exhausting, yet eye opening and life changing.  I have completed my 6 rounds of chemo and I'm awaiting my next scan to see if I am in full remission.  The waiting game is torture.  But here's the thing, no one tells you about what to expect AFTERWARDS...  I feel like most people think, oh she's done with chemo, she's good to go, it's over.  They could not be more WRONG!

Did you know that there's a real thing called Chemo Brain - at first I just thought I was losing it.  But there's truly a link between the chemo and cognitive functioning.  For this Type A perfectionist who is super organized, this is not cool.  I can't remember anything and can't focus at all!  It's a legit thing - forgetting common, everyday things like people's names, your own address or phone number, common words you use all the time and now you can't think of what something is called.  It's frustrating... and it makes you feel like you are not an intelligent person anymore.

Then there's PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) - for real.  Did you know 1 in 5 people with cancer have PTSD?  I might not have full blown PTSD, but there are definitely triggers.  Every little ailment is a concern, if something hurts, I think, is cancer back?  Images and feelings that take me right back to moments throughout this journey, like the day of diagnosis, smells that throw me back into the infusion center, foods and drinks that immediately make me nauseous because I associate them with being sick after my first treatment.  I can still taste chemo.  These are real, everyday feelings that take true mental stamina to push through.  

Here's the other thing, after ALL this, I don't have time for drama and I don't have time for negative experiences or people.  I'm not trying to sound mean, but when you go through something such as cancer, and your life is in question, you don't have time for things that bring negativity or drama into your life anymore.  Life is too short, and I don't want to spend it feeling drained by things that no longer serve me.  It's a realization I needed to come to, and I'm glad I did.

Although these last few months have been stressful and isolating, I've learned so much.  It's been life changing, and I needed these lessons.  Here's to a new chapter, new rules, and my new normal. 🎉🎗️

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #ChemoBrain #LymphomaAwareness #CancerCantHaveMe #CancerBlog

I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan, always have been.  I'm also someone who connects easily to music and can find meaning in lyrics, even if the song is about something else.  If you know Taylor's song "Out of the Woods," you'd know the chorus:

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods?

Are we in the clear yet?

Are we in the clear yet?

Are we in the clear yet?

In the clear yet, good!

I heard this song today and I immediately thought, this is what I think about daily - am I out of the woods yet, am I in the clear, is everything going to be ok?!

As I look ahead to the month of March and the endless appointments and tests, I am eager to find out if I'm out of the woods, in remission and in the clear.  Hopefully these "monsters turned out to be just trees" and I'm on a clearer path ahead.  🌲🌲🌲

#TaylorSwiftFan #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #LymphomaAwareness #CancerCantHaveMe #CancerPickedTheWrongChick #CancerBlog

I truly believe that people are brought into your life for a reason...

I have been getting therapeutic massages for about 10 years, maybe more!  Bonnie, this amazing woman to your left, has always been so helpful, so insightful and always spot on!  After my diagnosis in September, Bonnie suggested Reiki instead of massage.  I had NO idea what that really was.  My mom had gone for Reiki before, so all I really knew was that it's all about energy, and they don't touch you.  I thought, how can that be relaxing or even do anything?!  Well...

My first session of Reiki was so incredibly emotional, I cried, a lot.  It brought up a lot of stuck emotions, things that were in there for a really long time.  But with Bonnie's help, she explained things that I never thought of, and she told me that a lot of what I was carrying, wasn't even mine.  I am an empath, not just empathetic, a true empath.  I hold onto other peoples' energy and it affects me, deeply.  

I've now had quite a few sessions of Reiki and I love the cleansing feeling of releasing that energy and feeling refreshed.  This led me to wanting to learn more about the chakras, the metaphysical healing properties of crystals, I've continued acupuncture, and I have continued to meditate.  This experience of trying Reiki was just amazing to me.  So much so, that my mom and I decided to learn more and become certified in Reiki Level 1.  I did it for me, for my own healing.  

It's been an incredible part of my healing journey and I am so excited to continue learning more about it and how it can continue to help me, cancer and beyond!

Thank you Bonnie!!  ✨😘

One thing I am realizing is that there will always be reminders.  Right now there are physical reminders of cancer: no hair, fatigue, weak muscles, etc.  I try very hard to not go to that place where I dwell on the fact that I actually just had cancer, or the what ifs of it coming back.  

Last week I had another reminder, this one was a first for me.  I started going to PT again and I had to fill out all of the forms that a new/returning patient would need to fill out.  I got to the medical history section to check off the boxes of things that pertained to me.  For the first time, I had to check that box that said "Cancer" - I found myself caught off guard and I held my breath for a minute and realized, I seriously have to check that box now...

My mom and I were talking about this very thing yesterday and she said, "you'll always be that person that has to check that off now" and that hit me.  I was already feeling it, but after she said that I thought, yep, I'll always have to check that box, I'll always be someone who had cancer.  

I try to not let it define me.  But as I explained to my mom, it's not something you ever get over, it's just something you have to learn how to live with, and my hope is that it gets easier.  It's like when you lose someone close to you, death is not something you ever really get over, but you learn how to live again, in a new way.

Cancer will now always be a part of me.  There will be triggers, things that make me think of cancer or my treatments.  There will be new normals for me as a I rebuild my immune system and stamina.  There will be a reminder of it for quite sometime as I wait for my hair to grow back.  But I'm hoping those reminders remind me that cancer couldn't take me down, reminders that I was stronger than I realized, reminders that I'm still here and there's still more to do here.

It's been almost 6 months since I've been in my classroom.  I've been anticipating this and constantly wondering: how will I feel, how will it feel to see my colleagues again, to see my students again, how will everyone else interpret my new look, my head wraps, my bald head, how will this go?!

Yesterday I went back to school, not because I had to, but because I wanted to.  The staff had inservice, no students, and I decided to go in and meet with my team and my colleagues to help get things ready for my return.  If my scans are all clear next week, I will return to teaching on April 1 - no jokes here, ha!  🤣

Yesterday was not only good for my soul, but it truly made me feel like things were moving in the right direction and that I am on my way!  There were tons of hugs, smiles, tears, laughs, and a sense of belonging.  Cancer and COVID were a wicked combo, I never felt so alone and isolated in my life!  But yesterday reminded me that I am on my way out of that chapter, and ready for the next.  These last few months have taught me so much, and the true appreciation I have for a job that I love was one of them.  I always knew I loved what I did, but yesterday solidified that so much more, and I am so grateful for the amazing group of teachers and administrators that have supported me during this time.

Get ready kiddos, Mrs. Lynch is coming back!  


This woman right here.  She legit saved my life!  After asking repeatedly to be put on BP meds because it was creeping up and headaches were becoming out of control, and being ignored, my first visit to her and she listened, took me seriously, and took action...

If she had not listened, if she had not taken me seriously,  if she had not ordered the tests, I don't know where I'd be today, or if I'd even be here.  Her gut instinct and medical background told her something was "off" and it was.  That one test that was looking for something else, ended up showing multiple masses that resulted in stage 4 cancer.  

She.  Saved.  My.  Life.

My message to you, if you feel like you are not being heard, if you feel like you are not being taken seriously, if you feel like something is "off" - TRUST YOURSELF!  Go somewhere else.  Find someone else who will listen.  

Holly, you are my angel here on earth.  I cannot thank you enough!  


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Today was the day!  My first appointment with this awesome dr was about 6 months ago.  From day one he's been confident, calm and kind.  Every step of the way my oncology team including Dr. Rettew (left), my amazing nurses Beth and Tethina, and the nurses in the infusion center, have been absolutely wonderful.  They've answered allll  of our questions, even the weird ones, they've been there to calm the fears and have been such a great team.  I cannot thank them enough for all that they have done for me and my family.  

They say things happen for a reason and I truly believe that.  The medical professionals that have been part of our kick cancer's butt team have been a blessing.  I know that I would not be where I am today without them...



#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #LymphomaAwareness #CancerCantHaveMe #CancerPickedTheWrongChick #CancerBlog

This is how I interpret what is expected of me as a woman in 2022: Be a mom whose kids aren’t entranced by their tech all day, keep them engaged and constantly learning, but don’t forget to spend time with your husband and keep that relationship alive and strong, but then there’s all the work you need to do to be an awesome teacher and all the classes you need to take to further your own education and career, oh and the house is a wreck, better clean that, and don’t forget to exercise, cook healthy organic meals for your family and maintain a healthy weight because you want to look good too, but oh yeah you have friends, don’t forget about them because remember it’s not all about your kids, you need a life too, but wait then there’s you… you need some alone time, you should meditate, you should take a nap, you should go to yoga, you should take a bath, and do all that on about 4-5 hours of sleep a night.  OK.  Let me get right on that!

I seriously feel this way.  I can’t possibly be alone, can I?!  I really don’t think I am.  I feel like every woman I talk to feels like this, like we are everything to everyone all the time and there’s no time for us.  We get bumped to the bottom of the list most days.  And when that happens over and over again for years, it changes you.  It literally physically and mentally changes you.  It gets too heavy to carry.  When we hold on to all these things, it changes who we are.  

So how did I get here?  And when I say “here” I mean, how did I let myself get here, to this place where everyone else comes first?  How did I get to a place where I am not a priority anymore?  How was I just diagnosed with cancer 6 months ago, yet feeling relatively healthy otherwise?  I feel like the last 10 years of my life have been an absolute blur...

I do truly believe that things happen for a reason.  Did I think I'd be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at age 41?  Um, no.  But shortly after being diagnosed, I already knew what lessons I was supposed to be learning because they have come up before and I clearly didn't learn them.  I knew what I had to do and I knew why things were happening the way that they were.  I needed a pretty strong force to knock me down a peg and force me to see things differently.  I needed to experience things differently in order to learn certain lessons.

I chose to share this journey because I hoped that it would help someone else.  I know there are many people who don't understand why I share, or overshare as they call it, but I truly don't care.  This isn't for them then.  I have had people reach out and thank me for being so brutally honest because they too are going through some scary medical things and this was a way for them to have hope.  That is who this blog is for. 

Everyone has a different path and purpose on this planet.  Sometimes we forget who we are and what we're doing here.  I'm lucky enough to have another chance at this life and I'm not about to waste it.

Back to reality...

On April 1 I went back to work; back to routines, back to juggling all the things, back to reality.

I was excited to go back, but nervous too.  Not nervous to teach, but nervous about how the kids (and staff) were going to react to my new look. 

About a week before my start date, Addie (10) asked me, "what are you going to do, wear a wig, a hat, what?"  I told her I didn't know if I was brave enough to not wear a hat or a wig because I didn't want people to laugh, make fun of me, etc. if I just went as is.  After I said it, I was mad at myself.  I actually just told my child I didn't think I was brave enough for something.  I grappled with this all week, I tried on all my wigs and scarves again, and again.  I was so angry at myself for actually saying that.  Finally, that Friday morning while I was getting ready for school, I just decided, nope, I'm not doing it...

I went to school.  No scarf.  No hat.  No wig.  As the day began and I greeted kiddos at the door, I got a LOT of big eyeballs and whispers.  I have been starting each class with a quick chat about where I've been, what's been going on, and why I look like this now.  I have found that being honest with them was definitely the way to go.  I didn't want them to wonder about where I've been, or have rumors circulating (kids talk!), I wanted to control the narrative.  When I tell them about my wigs and that I chose to come to school as is, and I was hoping that my friends at school would be ok with it, they smile, they say things like "we love you" or "you look good" - it not only makes my heart smile, but it reminds me that these little ones are so kind, compassionate, and impressionable.  

I told them I'm still the same old Mrs. Lynch who loves to be silly and have fun!  If nothing else, I hope that this teaches them to be who they are without being afraid of what others are going to say, to be brave, to be accepting of others when they look different, and to be kind, to everyone.  

It's been a humbling experience to say the least.  But the teacher in me truly hopes that there's a lesson in this and I hope these littles take this lesson to heart and always remember to be kind.  🥰💕

Lake Life

Last year, before we knew that our lives were about to be turned upside down, we decided to take a new vacation - a trip to the lake!  We rented a house on airbnb and the entire Lynch crew, and 2 pups, were lake bound.  This trip was so relaxing, and much needed!  We stayed at the house and just hung out, ate lots of food, kayaked, fished, swam, wandered, and recharged.  It happened to be a full moon while we were there, so of course we had to do a full moon cleansing burn.  We woke up early and drank coffee while Barkley swam, stalked deer, and chased geese.  We spent quality time together and had a blast!  It was such a fun experience and we can't wait to do it again! 



For the last few weeks I've been having some back pain.  To any normal 42 year old woman who runs around  like a crazy person, taxis her kids everywhere, sits for hours of inservices and trainings, this wouldn't be something that would be concerning.

However, since my cancer diagnosis was so sudden and unexpected, any little thing at this point triggers concern.  I joked with Adam that I have PTSD, but it's really not funny, I think sometimes I really do.  I don't know how you wouldn't have major anxiety after finding out by accident you all of a sudden have stage 4 cancer and you had been feeling pretty normal...

I had my three month check in with my oncologist and shared with him that I was having back pain and that I was concerned about it.  We decided to do a cat scan to see what's going on.  They told me they didn't think they could get me in for the scan until mid July, but then called and asked if they could squeeze me in before I went on vacation.  Ummm, yes please!!

I had the scan on Friday.  Crickets...  We went to the beach that next day and I just couldn't focus.  I sat on the beach and cried.  I had this overwhelming feeling and I just couldn't stop thinking about everything.  About an hour or so later my phone dinged.  The My Chart app had a new test result...

I fumbled to grasp my phone, hands shaking while I opened the app, typed in my password and could barely speak.  I read through the scan report, not underdstanding half the words, and passed it to my husband.  He was laying on his stomach, tanning his back at the time, and he's propped up on elbows reading the report.  He looked at me and said with a smile, "it's fine!"  We read it out loud to my nurse mom who agreed, the scan looked good!  We are still waiting for dr. confirmation, but from what we're reading, it's all good!!  

Time to enjoy the beach!  ⛱️🩴🔆

Beach Bums

The beach is my happy place, hands down!  The trip started with some anxiety and uncertainty though, see the post above, but it quickly turned into a celebration!

This trip has been filled with new experiences (like seeing sunrises and touching sharks!), tons of laughs while playing Kids Against Maturity, boardwalk chaos, Cape May wandering, henna tattoos, jumping waves, finding ginormous shells, and frequent stops to Lemma's, Mmmm so good!

I had such mixed feelings about being here the first day.  While this is my happy place, I couldn't disassociate my feelings from the last time I was at the beach.  Back in September when we were just uncovering that something was wrong and my body was filled with masses, Adam suggested we take a quick beach day trip to get our minds off of everything.  While I sat here on Saturday, I just couldn't help but worry.

Yesterday I turned 42.  Honestly, I didn't know if I'd make it to my next birthday.  That sounds ridiculous, but when you don't know what's going to happen to you, things like birthdays and sunrises mean the world to you now.

As I sit here typing this, I can smell the salty air, hear the crashing waves, feel the humidity on my face, and I look around I see things so differently now.  It's like a renewed sense of life.  Here's to MANY more years and trips around the sun!  ☀️⛱️🥳

On our way home from the beach, we had to take a detour.  Philly traffic was horrendous, so Adam took a drive down City Ave.  As we approached a red light, I chuckled.  I noticed the street sign immediately - Cardinal Ave.  Then on Pandora, the song, "Always Something There to Remind Me" comes on.

I couldn't help but feel this overwhelming sense that my dad was there.  I mean, are you kidding - cardinals are my sign and then this song, at the same exact time?!

While we were at the beach, my mom said how my dad would have just loved this - witnessing these kids growing up, going to their sports games/meets, and just watching them be crazy together.  

I hadn't seen my cardinal in weeks, then this happens.  He's here, I know he is.  

After my dad died, I knew I wanted to get a tattoo that reminded me of him; not because I needed something to remind me of him, but because I wanted something that when I see it daily, it reminds me that he's still there, that he's protecting us and watching over us, and that he still has my back.

I had pinned this tattoo on Pinterest years ago, but then just didn't follow through.  Fast forward to this last year, I wanted to do the same - find an image/tattoo that I could look at to remind me that I can do hard things, that I can do whatever life throws at me and I can keep moving forward and fly.  This tattoo served both purposes.

Yesterday, Adam and I were sitting in the living room talking about this very subject and I just felt indecisive, but I knew I wanted something.  I kept coming back to this image.  About 20 minutes later, my brother-in-law called me.  He was sitting in the studio having his tattoo worked on, and said Sai could fit me in that night!  From what I have heard of Sai, she is incredibly talented and has a long waiting list!!  So, I went!

What I love most about this tattoo is that to me it symbolizes a lot.  What I didn't notice until Sai was drawing the tattoo, she asked me if I minded that the bird on the left is going the opposite direction.  I hadn't even noticed!  I immediately thought... that's my dad.  He's going the other way, because he has to, but he's still there flying with the crew and making sure we are where we need to be...


Sai, the owner of Inked Anatomy, also loves to give back, and this is one of the reasons I felt so compelled to go to her.  Sai is offering areola reconstruction tattoos to breast cancer survivors.  Although I did not have breast cancer, I know what it is like to lose a part of you that makes you feel feminine.  When I lost my hair, I just kept feeling like I wasn't a woman anymore.  I can't imagine losing another part of myself that truly makes me a woman.  Sai and her team are offering this amazing service to those women who deserve to feel beautiful again.  Please see their Facebook or Instagram page for more information!  🎗️💞

It's been a week...

On Monday, July 4, my mom shared with us that my uncle Steve (my dad's brother) had passed away.  He was 68.

My heart hurts.  I immediately felt this overwhelming anxiety.  My uncle Steve died of cancer.  From what I understand, his cancer had spread and there was "nothing more the doctors could do for him" - I hate that phrase.  

Although we hadn't seen each other in quite some time, since my dad's funeral, I had recently run into my uncle Steve.  Literally, ran into him, coming around the corner at the McGlinn Cancer Center a few months ago.  How weird - we hadn't seen each other in years and there we were, uncle and niece, literally bumped into each other, both standing in the cancer center, both fighting cancer.  He looked so different to me.  I hadn't seen him in so long, but despite the circumstances, it was so good to see him.  We texted a few times to check in on each other, send well wishes for holidays, and just to say hi.  Last week I had this urge to send him a text and see how he was.  And then life got busy and I forgot.  I regret not sending that text so much.  It's eating at me a bit.

Knowing that my dad died at 62, now my uncle at 68 (and of cancer of all things), it sent me into this whirlwind of emotions this week.  I felt like I couldn't escape this cancer thing.  

I was having a great couple of days and on Monday I actually caught myself smiling at myself in the mirror and saying, "things are good" - and then about a half-hour later I got the text about my uncle.  I stood outside and cried.  I stared out into the woods and thought - if my dad's sign is a cardinal, I wonder what Steve would be?  I'm not kidding you, in less than 30 seconds a deer slowly walked by in the woods behind our house.  Just one deer.  They're usually never alone, but this one was.  My dad and all my uncles were hunters, and this deer was seriously just walking by.  Coincidence?  I think not...

Life is so precious, and people say that all the time, but really, it is.  Say what you need to say.  Show your loved ones you love them.  Send the text.  💞🎗️🦌

This Wednesday is another full moon - this time, a Full Buck Moon!  This moon is the biggest supermoon of the year.

I've shared that the moon has always fascinated me, I don't know why, but even as a kid, I have always been the type of person that says "OH look at the moon!"  🌙

I have been purposeful in my full moon cleansing rituals (see posts above) and have tried to use this energy to my advantage.  Some people think it's crazy, but to each their own.  My friend Tricia gave me this book called Moon Magic, which I started reading at the beach, such a great read!  And my friend Corinne gifted me this book Moon Lists along with this smudge stick, which I will be using tomorrow to cleanse this house!!

I've shared that I've also been using crystals these past few months as a way to harness my energy, focus on manifesting what I want, and utilizing their metaphysical properties.  I found this gorgeous crystal tree of life (amethyst and amazonite) at the beach.  It was calling to me... I had to have it!!

This moon is called a Buck Moon.  Although the cardinal is my sign from my dad, the buck is the second reminder in nature that he is with me.  And after losing my uncle last week (see post above), that will remind me of him too!  

So get out there this Wed. July 13, gaze at the gorgeous full super buck moon, make some intentions about what you want for your life moving forward, and remember, if it calls to you to try it, who cares what someone else thinks.  I sure don't!  💞🌙🦌

For more info about this supermoon, click here

Side note - my husband got me this Three Minute Positivity Journal for my birthday, I am loving it so far!💕  

Some of my faves:

Palo Santo Sticks

Smudge Kit

Since the beginning of this journey, I've shared all the things I've been doing to try to keep myself strong and healthy.  I wanted to share another important part of my healing...

I've been to PT before, many times.  Over the last few years with having major headaches as well as back pain, I've tried PT in various places.  I have a bulging disc, spondylolysis, as well as disc degenerative disease (thanks dad, ha).   

Last summer when I saw Holly (my amazing PA) and my headaches were out of control, she sent me to PT.  I was hesitant, because, been there, done that.  But my husband had just recently started PT as well because he threw his back out and also had a bulging disc.  I know, I know, we're a pair!  He said he was loving this new place that just opened up near us, and he thought I would like it there.  So I went...

I can't even begin to explain what PT here at Phoenix has done for me.  I started going for headaches and back pain, but soon after being diagnosed with cancer then in Sept., I had to stop immediately.  We didn't know what my treatment plan would look like and we didn't know if my body could handle PT during chemo.    

After finishing chemo in January, I tried to slowly start rebuilding my strength and stamina, because I knew I'd be heading back to work.  Holly agreed that it was a good move, so back to PT I went!  I was welcomed with open arms, it was like I never left!  

The crew here at Phoenix is just incredible.   Bobby, who I typically work with, is very knowledgeable and caring.  He listens, he takes you seriously (although we joke a lot), but you feel like you're being heard.  After feeling like I was not being heard for so long, it's refreshing to know that this team cares about what you think and need, and they do their absolute best to work with you, craziness and all!  

Cancer is not a once and done thing.  It took a huge toll on my body and my mind.  Some days Bobby needs to remind me to get out of my own head and knock it off, because I'm working hard to rebuild everything, from scratch.  Thank you Dr. Bobby and the Phoenix Staff - you have truly helped me heal!💪🎗️

We're coming up on some anniversaries, for lack of a better word, of things I'd like to not remember or celebrate...

Last July 29 (which also happens to be my niece's and brother-in-law's birthday) I went to see my PA for the first time.  I was having massive headaches and I could tell my BP was super high.  I knew my dr. had retired so I'd be seeing someone new, but what I didn't know was that a storm of tests, procedures, and diagnoses was about to wreak havoc and she was about to save my life.  That day she immediately put me on BP meds and started ordering tests, to which my insurance denied, but she fought to get them approved and scheduled as soon as possible.  That took us down the rabbit hole to my diagnosis on Sept. 22.

As the next two months roll out, I know there's going to be anxiety, I can feel it already.  I am still fighting the remnants of having COVID a few weeks ago ( I REEEAALLLY didn't think it was going to last this long, Paxlovid rebound, that's a real thing!), but any small ache or pain puts me right back in that moment from a year ago.  Is my headache from COVID or am I sick again?  Is this pain in my back muscular or are my kidneys unhealthy again?  Why am I so tired, is my body just still recovering after chemo and now COVID, or is something else wrong?  It's going to be this ping pong match for a while I think.  But as I said before, post-traumatic stress disorder, yeah, it's real.  It's so hard to explain to people who haven't had to deal with something like this, but I do the best I can to explain my thoughts, my fears, and why I am struggling.

To add another layer to this, school starts again in 2 weeks (in-service, then kiddos start Aug. 22!).  While I am excited to be back, there's this weird, eerie feeling.  I didn't put it together at first but have to come to realize that I think the reason I feel somewhat anxious about school is because the new classroom that I'm in, was new at the same time everything came crashing down with my health.  It's so hard to disassociate things, but I am trying... 

I'm trying hard to stay positive and give myself the time and space I need to heal, feel well after COVID and regroup, but it's hard.    We're hoping to make some new memories these next few months, not to try to erase what happened, but to celebrate being healthy and moving on.  🎗️💪🌊

It's Been One Year...

I feel like that sounds absolutely impossible.  How can it be ONE year already?!  Sometimes it feels like time went so slowly and other times it feels like it flew by.

Last week, truly was an awful week.  Our community suffered the loss of a husband/father/coach because of cancer, and another underwent major surgery praying cancer was not in their future.  Cancer seemed to be everywhere last week.  It was like I couldn't escape it.  How is this still such a big, horrible, scary disease?!  How do we still have no cure for this!?  

Big emotions and lots of tears.  

A few days later, Sept. 15, was World Lymphoma Day.  I didn't even know such a thing existed... I do now!  I grabbed a shirt from Etsy and wore it to school.  I don't really know why, but I felt almost proud that I could stand there to say that I had it, I beat it, and now it's time to move on.  Tomorrow, Sept. 22, is what I've been calling "diagnosis day" - I needed a short way to explain it as I talked about it this week to a few friends and family members.  My mom reminded me to focus on the good news that I just got at the oncologist's office this week and not to dwell on the circumstances of a year ago.  But here's the thing...

This will always and forever be a part of me.  I will always and forever worry that cancer could come back.  I will always and forever worry that my children will suffer from this horrible disease.  I will always and forever remember the strength it took to fight as hard as I could to make sure I didn't miss one second with my family.  I will always and forever be grateful to those who stepped up and helped us and for the lessons I learned, because there were LOTS!

Sometimes obstacles come your way to test you.  Sometimes they break you.  And sometimes, they make you stronger than you ever knew you could be.  This day will always and forever remind me of a million things, it's just a part of my story though.  Now that story moves in a new direction, with new chapters, and new adventures.  🎗️🥰💪

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How serendipitous.  I haven't had the time to blog lately, you know, life.  But I am sitting at the car dealership waiting for some work to be done, and I thought it would be the perfect time to blog.  I was sitting looking through my previous posts and thinking about where I've been and what's next.  Over the speakers in the dealership, this song comes on that I can immediately recognize, but it's not a super popular song.  The song is Fearless by the Goo Goo Dolls.  My friend Chrissy sent this song to me back when I was first diagnosed and I listened to it so many times, such amazing lyrics!

This holiday season was filled with a lot of emotions.  Last year at this time I was a depressed hermit, I didn't go anywhere because my body couldn't handle the germs and I just needed to be safe.  But these last two weekends have been filled with tons of family time - my sister's surprise 50th bday celebration, out of state family visiting, Christmas eve traditions, Christmas day dinner, and a brunch yesterday - filled with family we don't typically get to see, family that we do see often, lots of surprises,  laughs, and hugs.  It was MUCH needed for my soul.

Last week I also had my follow-up with my amazing oncologist, Dr. Rettew.  I had an echocardiogram to make sure that chemo didn't hurt my heart, it was clean!  My routine bloodwork looks good and my levels are improving, and my appointment went well.  We'll continue to follow up every 3 months until 2 years, then we'll slowly start to space them out.   

I am learning that this process of healing is quite complex.  One day you might feel amazing, and the next you question every slight ailment and imperfection your body displays.   Some days you feel like a superhero who just saved the world, and other days you feel like you need the saving.   I'm learning, well trying anyway, to be patient with myself.  I threw myself right back into work and normal life as a busy wife and mom, and some days that's great for me.  On other days, I need to slow down and remind myself that it's ok to have a slow day,  say no to things, work on me, and take the time to make me a priority.  It's not always easy, but it's a process.  I am a type A perfectionist who likes things to happen NOW, and that is NOT how this works.  It's been a learning experience for me, that's for sure!

I know too many people who have not had the second chance that I have been given, and I do not take that privilege lightly.  It's time to be fearless!

Hold it close, don't ever let it goI can feel the light insideHold it up so that everybody knowsNow is not the time to hide'Cause we're living in a world unfairWe're living in a world so scaredI'm gonna be fearless, fearlessI'm brave enough to feel this, feel thisI'm running down my demons, demonsNo doubts around itI finally found it#Fearless #GooGooDolls

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #LymphomaAwareness #CancerCantHaveMe #CancerPickedTheWrongChick #CancerBlog 💪🎗️💞

As I look back on a year that could have been a disaster, I am so grateful for the new experiences and the memories we made! This year was stressful, draining, and anxiety-filled.  I constantly worry.  I fear the what-ifs, but I'm doing my best.  We are trying to make the most of the time we have and make memories where we can.  

In January, I finished my 6th round of chemo, I rang that bell loud and proud! 💪🎗️🔔

In February, Adam had to shave my head because I looked ridiculous trying to hold on to what hair was still on my head.✂️👩‍🦲

In March, my mom and I got certified in level 1 Reiki, so amazing!  We also took a much-needed family trip to Philly (to celebrate) after getting the results of a clean PET scan!💫🧘‍♀️🩻

In April, we were finally able to have a holiday with family🐰🐤 and I headed back to work on April 1 - no joke. We also celebrated Adam's 4️⃣2️⃣nd bday!

In May, we partied 8️⃣0️⃣s style and celebrated the start of summer with Memorial Day parade traditions! 🇺🇸🎆💦

In June, Ben turned 1️⃣3️⃣, we went to the lake🛶 and the beach🏖️ (also watched our first ☀️rise) and had a blast with family!  Adam and I also saw our fave band perform - Coldplay!🎶

In July, we swam.  A lot.  We had a Stranger Things watch party, celebrated the 4th of July, I got new a tattoo🐦, and we saw family we don't get to see often.🥰

In August, Addie turned 1️⃣1️⃣, we cuddled goats🐐 and I did🐐🧘‍♀️ for the first time (what a riot!), set up my classroom complete with🐝 and lots of newness!  We traveled to my mother-in-law's for our annual family reunion and had fun with the Pekala fam.

In September, we celebrated Matt's 4️⃣0️⃣th, beached it again in Lewes with my aunt and uncle (surprise bon🔥 on the beach), watched Addie try something new - cheer!  We wore green and celebrated World Lymphoma Day!💚💪🎗️

In October, we had fun at an outdoor concert and saw the Spin Doctors perform before a 🏒game. 

In November, Adam & I celebrated our anniversary and actually had an adult dinner out.  We also took a trip to Hershey for a quick getaway and had so much fun - water park, candy, lights, and time with friends! 🍫🎄

In December, we saw LOTS of family and celebrated Amy's 5️⃣0️⃣th bday.  I met one of my ed idols (Gerry Brooks) at a conference.  We had three days of Xmas festivities and are still recuperating!🎄🙃

This year was filled with tons of fun things and I can't wait to make this next year even better!!  

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It's been ONE YEAR since my last chemo.  My sweet friend (and work wife) Kelsey, had this sitting outside of my classroom today.  She knows how much this milestone has meant.

I can't describe the feelings that rush over you when there's a milestone like this.  One year ago I finished my last chemo, I rang that bell, and I cried! 

I never thought that this would be something I'd have to deal with in my life, yet here we are.  But there are so many things that people DON'T tell you about what happens to you as you navigate this new normal:

I've learned so much throughout this journey.  I feel like it was meant to happen because there were some tough lessons I clearly needed to learn.  Here's to the next year of health and healing! 

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March Check Up... 

ERAS Tour anyone?

I can't even begin to tell you how lucky we got tickets!  Yes, WE went to see Taylor Swift in May in Philly! Crystal (my awesome sister-in-law) and I talked about how great it would be to take the girls (4 of them!) to see Taylor Swift.  With her ninja computer skills, she was able to score 6 tickets which we then kept as a huge secret and gave to the girls on Christmas.  I cried, ha!

I have loved Taylor Swift since she first became an artist so many years ago.  One of her songs, Out of the Woods, was my theme song while going through chemo.  The entire song has pieces that resonated with me, but when she says, "The monsters turned out to be just trees" is the perfect way to explain how I felt.  Terrified, cancer was a beast.  But I came out of it.  I remember thinking, will all my scans be ok, will they be clear, am I out of the woods yet?

Seeing Taylor Swift in concert was insanely amazing!  But seeing her with my daughter was such a special moment.  She cried.  I cried.  I was perfect.  I was hoping one of the surprise songs would be "Out of the Woods" but it wasn't.  However, there are still so many songs that I feel such a strong connection to, but this one will always be my anthem!   🎶🌲💪🎗️

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods?

Are we in the clear yet?

Are we in the clear yet?

Are we in the clear yet?

In the clear yet, good

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#TaylorSwiftErasTour #TaylorSwift #SwiftieFan

Channeling my inner Rachel...

It's a long story, but I dressed like Rachel today for a video that we made at school.  We're all Friends here, right?  "I'll be there for you" ... come on you know you want to sing it!

Friends has always been my favorite show!  I will tell you though, when I was first diagnosed and I was feeling sorry for myself and just sat in my living room, I binged Friends all over again from start to finish.  I feel like after watching it again, I love those characters even more.  We can learn a LOT from our Friends:

If I could, I'd dress like Rachel.  But I love how she turns from a spoiled brat into an independently fierce woman.  She needs her friends, but she's grown into a strong woman all her own.

I like to eat like Joey.  Joey doesn't share food! (sometimes I don't either, hahah!)  But Joey also has a huge heart.  Love like Joey.

Oh Monica.  I clean like Monica.   Too bad I can't cook like her, just ask my husband.

Chandler.  LAUGH like Chandler.  Life isn't always funny, but you have to make jokes where you can or you'll be eaten alive.  I had to find ways to make fun of the situation and make light of it or I knew it would kill me.

Phoebe.  LIVE like Phoebe, not a care in the world.  LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST!  Just picture Phoebe running... 

And Ross, such a goof, a true nerd, (I love embracing my inner nerd, I love to learn new things).  But love like Ross too.  Huge heart, so much passion.

My friends definitely helped me through chemo and those long days of just sitting and waiting.  This will forever be my favorite show!



Memorial Day, the unofficial start to summer, my FAVORITE season!  Summer was always my favorite, but now it also brings on a ton of new memories and feelings that aren't so great - my dad's birthday, Father's Day, my birthday (which now means more than ever), and then the end of summer which is when my life fell apart two years ago.  

It's funny how things can shift and change and old memories are still there but now other memories have anchored in your brain and can take over sometimes.

We're doing our best to make sure we have FUN this summer, relax, unwind, and make amazing new memories!

Here's to sunshine, family time, lots of trips to the pool and the beach, cookouts, picnic food, fireworks, and whatever we want!  Happy Summer!!  ☀️💦⛱️🌭🎆

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Lynch Crew is on Lake Time

Last year we made the promise to do as many fun things as we can, because well, life is too short!  The Lynch Crew took a trip to the Poconos and enjoyed some lake time; we loved it so much last year that we decided to do it again this year!

I can't begin to tell you what escaping your daily surroundings can do for you!  Even if you aren't going through something big, it's just so good for your soul to recharge and reenergize before heading back to your real world.  

To me the lake reminds me so much of my childhood.  My grandparents had a cabin on Lake Wallenpaupack that we'd visit every summer.  We would fish, cook out, explore, go on the boat, and go water skiing and tubing.  It was so much fun!  Being near water has always been so magical for me.  While I didn't swim in this lake (it was way too cold for me, ha!) I enjoyed just being near the water.  I woke the girls up one morning to watch the sunrise, the boys fished, we laughed, played games, and had a blast!  

This place, it's peaceful, it's calm, there's no hustle and bustle of the real world, and you can just be.    🏕️🎣🔆

It doesn't matter how many years it's been, it doesn't matter how old I am, I still miss him every single day...

We left for our lake trip the day before what would have been my dad's birthday (June 12).  

The first day there, I remember sitting and just staring out into the lake (which was always HIS happy place) and saying to him - "just show me a sign you're still around" - I hadn't felt the connection lately.  I felt like he was slipping away.  

The next morning, June 13, I woke the girls up to watch the sunrise.  It was beautiful.  They were tired and they all went back inside, I stayed outside, drank my coffee, and just talked to my dad.  My husband soon joined me and we just sat there enjoying nature.  Out of nowhere, this sweet doe pops around the corner.  She let me get very close to her and Adam snapped this photo.  

I was in awe.  I knew it was him.  I knew that was his sign.  I believe that he's still there watching over us and making sure we're ok.  But what I wouldn't give to have him here for just five minutes... to tell him everything!

It was also perfect that the birdhouse right by the back door was red and had a cardinal on it.  I see you dad.  😇💞

I shared before, that I was/am very open to learning about alternative ways to heal.  During my time "off" while I was going through chemo, I learned more about astrology, reiki, acupuncture, and crystal healing.

I know, I know, you might think, Jill you're nuts.  I've heard it many times!  It's fine, don't believe me.  OR, maybe you're like, "hmmm, what are you talking about?!"

I became so interested in learning about the mind, my path according to astrology and my birth chart/my zodiac/etc., I learned how to harness the energy and make it flow where I needed it to go during reiki certification, and I learned about the metaphysical properties of crystals and what they can help you manifest. I watched tarot readings, and finally just bought my own deck.  It's all so intriguing to me!

You might think that all of this sounds ridiculous, and that's ok, then this isn't for you.  But I will say, that for me, it helps.  In the end, everyone does what works for them.  If you find yourself curious about any of this, I'm happy to share it with you!  

*Photo from Gem on Penn Crystal Shop on Penn Ave. - so cool!

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My Happy Place!

The beach has always been my happy place, hands down!  I have always loved water, I love the hot sun, my toes in the sand, and the sound of the waves crashing over and over.

This year we had our 9th annual Wildwood beach vacation - 6 adults, 5 kids, hours of beach and pool time, games and laughter, and some new adventures this year.  We checked out the Cape May Zoo - where I found a cow that celebrated my birthday AND my name - how random!  The kids did some golfing, we checked out new restaurants, and celebrated my birthday with Taco Tuesday.  The girls and I went out to see the sunrise, we searched for shells, we walked and talked, and just enjoyed each other.

Being with this wild bunch does something for my soul.  We can get on each others' nerves real fast, but we love each other fiercely.  This trip meant a lot this year.  We had great things to celebrate and enjoyed our time together!  ⛱️☀️💦🔆

Not to sound dramatic, but after going through a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, in the beginning you wonder what your fate is.  It's normal, I would think.  

I didn't know what was going to happen.  I didn't know why this was happening.  I worried about everything.

Since then I've celebrated 2 birthdays.  Today, June 27, I turn 43.  43 years on this journey...

I've learned a lof things.  I've learned that people won't remember the things that you do, but they will absolutely remember how you made them feel and how you treated them.  NO ONE will remember that you did or didn't have name brand things, they won't remember what car you drove or what kind of house you had.  People won't remember those ridiculous things, because, they're seriously ridiculous.

I have learned that although I have the love and support of so many people, that this fight is on me.  I have to do what needs to be done in order to fight and stay healthy - mind, body, and spirit.  I have no time for drama, I have no time for nonsense, I have no time for the things that suck me dry.

With each birthday that passes now, I feel like I am finally growing into the person I am meant to be.

Cheers to 43 years! 🥳🎉

#CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #LymphomaAwareness #CancerCantHaveMe #CancerPickedTheWrongChick #CancerBlog

Scanxiety... what is it?  It's when you go to get a scan and your anxiety kicks in and you completely lose your mind.  Sounds fun, right?!

Honestly, though, it's a thing.  I am certain I have PTSD.  When I go into the McGlinn Center, or to get a scan, or even simple bloodwork - going in causes anxiety, coming out there's a little less, then when the My Chart app dings with a result, forget it!  

I had my 3 month follow-up, which went well.  I had 2 IV iron infusions last month and those went well.  I have been having some back pain again, so we did an ultrasound which looks great.  

I had to wear my Ted Lasso BELIEVE shirt because it just made sense.  Thanks to the hubs for the shirt.  Ted Lasso - If you know, you know!  #BELIEVE #TedLasso #CancerMom #CancerTeacher #FightCancer #CancerAwareness #LymphomaAwareness #NonHodgkinsLymphoma #LymphomaAwareness #CancerCantHaveMe #CancerPickedTheWrongChick #CancerBlog

There's something about fireworks that still excite me, even at age 43.  Sometimes I think I'm still a little kid at heart because the things that light me up sometimes seem childish, but I don't really care, ha!

We enjoyed the 4th of July, spent lots of time outside, and enjoyed about 5 awesome firework displays right in our neighborhood.  We even had a little visitor...🐸

Be the light.  Be bright.  

Be sparkling.  🎆🎇🎆🎇

My brother-in-law Chris asked if we wanted to go to the beach for the day.  Um, yes please!  I will go to the beach ANY chance I get!

We went to OCNJ for the day - stopped at Uncle Bill's for some fuel, hit the beach, swam for hours, and then grabbed some pizza, crab fries, and ice cream on the boardwalk.  I found not one, but TWO stores that were called Jilly's, I had to stop for a photo session, ha!

The waves were a bit rough, but the water was actually quite warm.  We spent hours jumping waves and just bobbing around in the ocean.  A few times I just floated and let the waves carry me a bit.  Adam asked me if I was having a Lieutenant Dan moment, to which I of course said, yes!  

I just let the water wash over me, listened to the sounds of the waves, let the sun hit my face, and said to myself over and over - I am healthy, I am healthy.

The beach is so good for my soul, I think I might be a mermaid?!🔆💦🧜‍♀️🌊

Sometimes we think we know what we are supposed to be doing with our lives, and sometimes we have no clue.

Just when I think I have a handle on the "what is my life's purpose" battle that goes on in my head like every other day, something comes out of nowhere and I am blown away.

While I have loved every single second of working in my current building, teaching K-4 (500+ kiddos), it's time to move on.

I was recently offered a position in another district.  I didn't see this coming and I didn't anticipate moving to another school.  But when things started to unfold, it just felt right, for a lot of reasons...  I truly believe that when things happen like that, effortlessly, you have to try it.  I am not afraid to try new things and I am not afraid to change my path.

Here's to new friendships, new students, new goals, and new adventures!  

Book #2 is FINISHED!

Look at this sweet boy... spoiled isn't even scratching the surface, now he's got his own book?!

Being Barkley came from such a weird experience.  During COVID when everything was shut down, my kids were so bored.  I tried to get them to do something creative.  We ended up writing a story about our puppy Barkley.

The kids and I pulled photos that we thought represented him well, put them into a Google slideshow presentation, the kids drew their own illustrations to match, and I wrote the story. 

Months later while I was teaching first grade, back in person, I shared this story with my class.  They laughed so hard and asked every single day if I'd read it again.  It became a classroom fave instantly!

I thought, maybe I have something here?  I asked my friend Joe if he'd be up for another book collab, and here we are!  Being Barkley is now available on Amazon.  It still blows my mind that you can do that now!  

This sweet boy to the left hasn't been feeling well lately.  He was just diagnosed with Lyme Disease.  We love him so much, we hope he'll be ok and ready to chase those squirrels again soon and bark at everything and anything, just like he does in his story.  🐶💕 Being Barkley

December 2023... time to shift

Like many others right now, I have been sick for what feels like forever.  I have had pneumonia for about 2 months and it's kicking my butt.  I made a promise to myself that during my holiday break from school that I would spend time taking care of myself and focusing on what I want to do, not what everyone else wants me to do.  Usually I am the entertainer and camp counselor, ha!

We had a three day marathon of family get-togethers and it was a blast!  But now I'm exhausted!

I spent this last week of December wrapping up the month doing things that all happened to align at the same time, without purposeful planning.  I spent time reading, got a massage, shopped for some new crystals, explored tarot a bit more, had an astrological reading (HOW COOL!), and did a full moon burn (in the rain).  

I've been journaling tons this week and realized that there is just so much more to me that hasn't been shared.  There's that saying - if the book you want to read isn't out there, you need to write it.  Well, I don't think I am feeling the need to write another book, but I think I am feeling the need to share my story in another way.

I came across this quote the other day, and it really hit me.  I am 43 years old.  I am tired of doing what other people want me to do.  I have lived a life that has had extreme grief, loss, trauma, and stress.  2024 is going to be different... embrace your weird, embrace your uniqueness, that's why you're here in the first place!

"Every year you make a resolution to change yourself.  This year, make a resolution to be yourself." 

It's New Year's Eve...

Looking back on the last year, I can't help but be somewhat irritated.  Irritated about the things that didn't go well, the things I should have said, the things I should have done, or the things I should have just let go.

Let's be honest, we all feel it occasionally and are guilty of letting those negative emotions get the best of us.  We're human.  But when I dig deep and look at the things that irritated me, there are of course some lessons there:

I will not deplete myself to make other people happy.  I am human as well and I will take care of myself, regardless of what others want from me.  I can't pour from an empty cup.  

I will always fight for what I think is just.  Not everyone will agree or see eye to eye, but I will protect my family at all costs.  At ALL costs.

I refuse to make myself small to accommodate the egos of others just so they can feel comfortable.  Done.

I will be 44 this year.  The last decade of my life has brought the sudden loss of a parent, the loss of jobs and businesses, financial stress,  a pandemic, a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, mental health awareness, and experiences that most cannot fathom.  Which brings me to this...

2023 and prior - thank you for the lessons.

2024 and beyond - I am freaking ready!