The rank structure used in MCJROTC is mirrored after the officer and enlisted ranks in the U. S. Marine Corps. The following ranks (with corresponding billets) are utilized, depending on the size of the unit.

1. Cadet Colonel/Lieutenant Colonel – Cadet Battalion Commander

2. Cadet Major/Lieutenant Colonel – Cadet Battalion Executive Officer

3. Cadet Captain – Cadet Company Commander, S-1 Administrative Officer, S-3 Operations Officer, S-4 Logistics Officer

4. Cadet First/Second Lieutenant – Cadet Company Executive Officer, Cadet Platoon Commander, Battalion Public Affairs Officer/Historian

5. Cadet Sergeant Major – Cadet Battalion Sergeant Major

6. Cadet First Sergeant – Cadet Company First Sergeant

7. Cadet Gunnery Sergeant – Cadet Company Gunnery Sergeant, Cadet Platoon Commander/Sergeant

8. Cadet Staff Sergeant – Cadet Platoon Commander/Sergeant

9. Cadet Sergeant – Cadet Platoon Sergeant / Guide / Squad Leader

10. Cadet Corporal – Cadet Guide / Squad Leader / Fire Team Leader

11. Cadet Lance Corporal – Any qualified Cadet may be promoted to this rank.

12. Cadet Private First Class – Any qualified Cadet may be promoted to this rank.

13. Cadet Private – Entry level rank.


1. Promotions are an honor and a privilege. Those cadets receiving promotions must possess the prerequisite abilities and skills. Primary authority for promotions rests with the Senior Marine Instructor.

a. Promotions are based on demonstrated leadership ability, academic, and disciplinary excellence. The minimum standard for promotion to Private First Class and up to the rank of Lance Corporal is to participate in the minimum community service requirement, take the physical fitness test and have a current grade point average (GPA) of “2.0” with no F’s.

b. For the ranks of Corporal and Sergeant, cadets are required to participate in the minimum community service requirement, earn at least a “C” grade on the Physical Fitness Test, pass a Drill Evaluation and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 with no F’s.

c. For the Ranks of Staff Sergeant to Colonel, cadets are required to participate in the minimum community service requirement, earn at least a “C” grade on the Physical Fitness Test, pass a Drill Evaluation, and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.

d. Cadets failing to perform their duties in an efficient manner will be considered for reduction.

e. If a cadet meets all the requirements for promotion, the cadet may not be promoted if the Senior Marine Instructor feels that the cadet is incapable of performing their duties beyond the present rank.

f. Any cadet not selected for promotion will be counseled as to the reasons and will be provided guidance on opportunities for improvement.


2. Meritorious promotions are used to promote highly qualified cadets based on exceptional performance, demonstrated leadership potential, and competence exceeding peers. Cadets may be meritoriously promoted following culminating events such as annual Inspector General evaluation and the completion of an exercise at a military facility. Meritorious promotions are normally limited to the ranks of sergeant and below.

3. Frocking is an appointment to a rank, appropriate to a Billet held (i.e., 1stSgt, CO/XO). The Senior Marine Instructor may approve a cadet for frocking. If the cadet does not meet expectations of the assigned billet, or a cadet in the same platoon passes them in rank, the appointed rank may be rescinded, reverting the cadet to their last promoted rank.

4. Reappointment

a. Cadets who departed for disciplinary reasons or were withdrawn in lieu of disciplinary action, and accepted for reenrollment will be appointed Cadet Privates, regardless of rank previously held.

b. Cadets who departed for other reasons and accepted for reenrollment may be appointed to a grade one rank lower than that previously held if absence from the program was a period of one school year or less. Periods greater than one school year will normally result in a returning rank of Cadet Private; this is a case by case basis.

5. Reductions are conducted IAW the JFK MCJROTC Uniform Code of Military Justice (see Section: UCMJ).



 All cadet leaders must set the example. In order to lead by example, leaders are expected to know, demonstrate and enforce all regulations, rules, and orders of the program. Accountability is critical to the success of every event conducted; 100% accountability will be maintained in & around all MCJROTC activities. Finally, all cadet leaders are responsible for the proper care of MCJROTC equipment, supplies, and resources. More detailed explanations follow.

The “Big 4” consists of the CO, XO, 1stSgt and GySgt. They are normally assigned to an LE1 platoon, and assist with the following:

- teaching drill & classroom procedures to new cadets;

- mentoring & advising platoon leaders;

- during uniform inspections, evaluate platoon leaders as they inspect: thoroughness/consistency, timeliness, LE-level questions and inspection sheet completion

- supervise Duty Platoon activities: Colors, Pledge and Cleanup

- plan for, prepare, communicate and supervise company events (CommSvc, Field Trips, Fundraisers, Formations)

- assist the Adjutant with CRM when needed

Platoon Leaders (Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant and Guide) assist the instructors with classroom management, accountability and training of their platoons.

***the REMIND app is a tool to assist in relaying/reminding information – verbal, face to face communication is more effective and reliable***

Commanding Officer (CO)

- Provide input to the instructors on matters related to the program;

- Ensure the proper care & maintenance, and prevents the waste of all JROTC equipment, supplies and resources;

- Supervise the progress of the Unit Activity Report, Cadet Strength Report, and Community Service Tracker.

Cadet Executive Officer (XO)

- Serve as an advisor to the CO, in all duties described above;

- Maintain the Unit Activity Report;

- Prepared to assume the responsibilities of Cadet Company Commander.

Cadet First Sergeant

- Serve as the senior enlisted advisor to the CO;

- Anticipate and advise the CO on all problems, informing the CO of situations as they occur;

- Advise cadet leaders on the enforcement all regulations, rules and orders of the program;

- Maintain the Cadet Strength Report.

Cadet Company Gunnery Sergeant

- Assist the CO with the logistical support of all JROTC events;

- Responsible to the CO for the accountability of all JROTC equipment, supplies and resources;

- Maintain the Community Service Tracker;

- Prepared to assume the responsibilities of Cadet Company First Sergeant.

Cadet Platoon Commander

- Serve as the primary cadet leader of assigned platoon;

- Responsible for the accountability and development of all cadets in the platoon;

- Responsible for the morale and discipline of all enlisted cadets in the platoon;

- Anticipate, and advise the CO on all problems, informing the CO of situations as they occur.

Cadet Platoon Sergeant

- Serve as the senior enlisted advisor to the Cadet Platoon Commander;

- Responsible to the Cadet Platoon Commander for the performance of the platoon;

- Responsible to the Platoon Commander for the morale and discipline of cadets in the platoon;

- Anticipate, and advise the Cadet Platoon Commander on all problems, informing them of situations as they occur;

- Be prepared to assume the responsibilities of Cadet Platoon Commander.


Cadet Platoon Guide

 - Visually confirm, record and report Attendance at the start of class;

 - Carry the guidon with the utmost dignity, respect and professionalism;

 - Work with the Squad Leaders, Platoon Sergeant and Supply Chief to ensure cadets of the platoon are properly supplied (uniform items);

 - Assist and be prepared to assume the responsibilities of Cadet Platoon Sergeant.

Cadet Squad Leader

- Personally interact with all members of the squad on a daily basis.  Accountability starts with the Squad Leader; 

 - Concentrate on the training and morale of each member of the squad;

 - Be prepared to assume the responsibilities of Cadet Platoon Guide.

Supply Chief 

 - Serve as the “middleman” between Supply and platoon leaders;

 - Responsible for the inventory, orderliness, and security of the MCJROTC Supply warehouse and all storage spaces;

 - Authorized one assistant.

 Armory Chief

 - Responsible for the inventory, orderliness, and security of the MCJROTC Armory;

 - Follow the Weapons Control and Handling Procedures, in the EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES chapter of this handbook;

 - Authorized one assistant.


 - Responsible for entries and reconciliation of CRM (Cadet Records Manager), the accurate recording of all cadet activities, in and out of the classroom;

 - Serve as Adjutant during the Marine Corps birthday ball;

 - Assisted by the CO, XO, 1stSgt and Company Gunnery Sergeant.