Marine Corps JROTC cadets are high school students. They are fully expected to conduct themselves in accordance with all school rules and regulations. Any cadet failing to maintain higher standards of conduct and citizenship will not be permitted to remain in the Marine Corps JROTC Program.


Cadets will not display any gestures of affection in or around MCJROTC events. This holds especially true when in uniform and pertains to kissing, embracing, or other forms of intimate behavior. Affection should be a private matter, and as such any displays of affection should be done in private.


Cadets arrive on time for class; greet the instructor on the way into class.

Cadets contribute to the class with appropriate answers to questions.

Cadets wear appropriate clothing.

Cadets strive to improve themselves continuously.

Cadets honor their word.

Cadets demonstrate initiative by doing things without being told to.

Cadets remain loyal to their families, fellow cadets/students, and their school/community.

Cadets treat others with dignity and respect regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Cadets take care of each other.

Cadets wear their uniform proudly and with distinction.

Cadets maintain appropriate military haircuts.

Cadets respect authority and respond to adults with a "Yes, or No Sir or Ma'am."

Cadets do not lie, cheat or steal.

Cadets do not use drugs.

Cadets offer suggestions to improve the system.

Cadets maintain a can-do attitude.

Cadets respect public and private property.

Cadets respect public laws and regulations.