
School Counselors support students in a number of areas, including academics. Sometimes, a child struggles academically because of factors in other areas of their life. Below are some best practices for supporting your student reach their highest potential academically!

•Strategies for Parents to Support Task Initiation•

Here are some activities parents and families can do to at home strengthen skills for task initiation:

  • Create a schedule for chores and homework time (and make it a routine)

  • Exercise or play a sport with your child before work time

  • Create a daily chore checklist

  • Use a timer to countdown time to get to work

  • Work in short bursts and then give breaks

  • Provide incentives after a set of tasks is completed

  • Practice the rocket ship countdown (Say: 5-4-3-2-1 blast off… on “blast off”, get up and get going!)

  • Do challenging tasks together (i.e. cleaning a bedroom or starting homework)

  • Give choice for how to complete the task or demonstrate knowledge

  • Be explicit with directions and provide them orally and in writing

  • Incorporate areas of interest into the content and curriculum (i.e. the price of skateboards in math)

  • Have the student answer the questions before starting: What am I doing? What do I need? How can I start?

  • Practice problem-solving skills (i.e. “What could you do if you don’t know the answer to a problem?”)

  • Set up a clean and organized workspace without clutter and eliminate or reduce distractions