Weekly Videos

Week of June 8

Hello leaders!

It's the last week of school before summer break. The end of the school year can come with a lot of feelings: excitement about summer, sad about the year being over with your teacher, worry about the amount of time between the end of this year and the start of next year, and thankfulness for all the awesome things you got to do this year. If your feelings about the end of the school year feel like too much to handle on your own, talk about those feelings with someone you trust. When we talk about our feelings instead of holding them inside, they are a lot easier to handle.

Sometimes there are things in our home, school, or community that are stressful and hard to deal with. Sometimes there are things outside of our community, in our state and country that are stressful. Sometimes we hear or see things that are scary and don’t make a lot of sense. If you have seen or heard about something scary or that doesn’t make a lot of sense, talk about it with someone you trust. That might be your aunt, your neighbor, your parent, your cousin, your sister or brother, your teacher, or your counselor. When we talk about things that are stressful then we understand them better and know how to stay in control of our own emotions. Remember we are in charge of our own weather, so even when the things in our world are really scary and difficult, there are things we can do in our own circle of control to help us feel better.


  1. Play with friends. Go outside. Make up games. Play sports. Play pretend. Have fun! This will sharpen your saw!
  2. Read! I know each and everyone one of you is interested in something. That might be basketball, acting, gaming, horses, the ocean, technology, or travel. Find ways to read about the things that interest you. Ask your teacher where you can find books about things that interest you. When our libraries open up, you can go to the public library to check out books for free!
  3. Remember the strategies we talked about when you have a lot of feelings – talk to someone you trust, squeeze and wiggle, or do starfish breathing.

I had a fabulous year with y’all! You showed me how hard students work at Haw River, how to have fun in between working hard, and how to be kind to one another even when we have differences. Keep being awesome, friends!

Week of May 18

Hello leaders!

Today we are talking about three more Feelings Words:

Overwhelmed - the feeling you have when there are too many things to deal with

    • Example: "I feel overwhelmed because there are a lot of sound and movements around me."
    • Example: "I feel overwhelmed because there are so many new people to meet."

Bored - the feeling you have when something isn't very interesting or exciting

    • Example: "I feel bored when I watch a show with my aunt that isn't very interesting."
    • Example: "I feel bored when I do the same activity for a really long time."

Proud - the feeling you have when you feel like you did something well or you are happy the way something turned out

    • Example: "I feel proud because I just did a cool new trick on my bike."
    • Example: "I feel proud because I just moved up a reading level."
    • Example: "I feel proud of my sister for learning how to walk."


Notice your feelings this week and keep an eye out for overwhelmed, bored, or proud. Be kind to yourself when you notice those feelings. No feeling is bad!

Ms. Jeter Dancing

Some leaders completed counseling activities and got to choose a reward. Some chose to have their artwork highlighted on our Student Work Highlights page and some requested that I try out a few dance moves on this weeks video. If you would like to choose a reward, complete a counseling activity and let Ms. Jeter know about it (hannah_jeter@abss.k12.nc.us or 336-223-4814).

Music: In My Feelings by Kidz Bop Kids

Week of May 11

Hello leaders!

Today we are talking about three new Feelings Words:

Overwhelmed - the feeling you have when you feel like you have too many things to deal with

    • Example: "I feel overwhelmed because there are a lot of sound and movements around me."
    • Example: "I feel overwhelmed because there are so many things to play with and I don't know where to start."

Distracted - the feeling you have when you can't focus on what you are trying to focus on

    • Example: "I feel distracted because the person next to me keeps tapping his pencil while I try to listen to the teacher."
    • Example: "I feel distracted because my friend is making silly faces behind the person I am trying to talk to."

Eager - the feeling you have when you are very excited or interested in something

    • Example: "I feel eager because there is going to be a surprise at school."
    • Example: "I feel eager because I get to see a family member I haven't seen in a long time."


Notice your feelings this week and keep an eye out for overwhelmed, distracted, or eager. Be kind to yourself when you notice those feelings. No feeling is bad!

Week of May 4

Happy Monday, Leaders! I hope you had an awesome weekend! Last Friday was Career Day! I hope you got to check out video from some really cool professionals around Haw River. If you didn’t, that’s okay. Use this link to go check out the website and see if you can learn about a career you have never heard of before.

Today we are talking about new Feelings Words:

Weary - our mind or body is tired

    • Example: "I feel weary because I keep hearing bad news over and over again."

Concerned - interested in or worried about something

    • Example: "I feel concerned about my brother because he just fell off his bike."

Peaceful - quiet and calm

    • Example: "I feel peaceful when I am on a walk and can feel the warm sun on my face."


Notice your feelings this week and keep an eye out for feeling weary, concerned, or peaceful. Be kind to yourself when you notice those feelings. No feeling is bad!

Movie on 5-4-20 at 1.07 PM.mov

Week of April 27

If you are having difficult feelings about not heading back to school this year you can check out this resource to put a name to that feeling, hug a stuffed animal, talk to a family member about that feeling, submit a counselor request, or close your eyes and say, "Hey, it's okay that I feel _____. I wonder what I need to feel better...?"

ANNOUNCEMENT: Career Day is this Friday, May 1st. You will get a link to a video on Friday where you can explore videos that tell you about a lot of different careers. I am so excited to share it with you!

Week of April 20

This week your challenge is brighten someone's day. That could be ANYONE - your mom, your grandpa, the person who delivers your mail, your friend. We may not get to be with each other the way we used to but we still can be leaders by giving others a reason to smile. You can message a friend or family member, wave to someone delivering a package, help cook dinner. The possibilities are endless! I can't wait to hear about what you come up with!

Week of April 6

This week your challenge is to teach something to someone.

1. Choose ANYTHING to teach on - cars, dancing, science, how to make someone laugh, sports, drawing, being a good friend, math, bugs, weather, video games, YouTube.

2. Find someone to teach - an adult at home, a brother or sister, a cousin, a friend over the phone, an imaginary friend

3. Tell them what you know!

4. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, "Yeah I can share my knowledge with other people. I can do hard things."

5. Let Ms. Jeter know you completed her challenge by text (336-223-4814‬) or email (hannah_jeter@abss.k12.nc.us).