Tips for Parents

All the news about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) can be concerning for families and students. Here are some tips to help address your child’s social and emotional needs:

  • Try to keep routines as normal as possible.
  • Create time to listen to and talk with your child. Be honest with your child and share with them as much information as they are developmentally able to process.
    • You can use this video to explain social distancing
  • Reassure children that adults at home and school are working to take care of their health and safety. If they have concerns, they should talk to an adult they trust.
  • Remind children that most people will not get (COVID-19) coronavirus. School and health officials are being especially careful to make sure as few people as possible get sick.
  • Limit the amount of exposure to television and social media regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
  • Remind your child to treat everyone with respect and not jump to conclusions about who may or may not have COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
  • If your child seems distressed about COVID-19 (Coronavirus), please reach out to your school counselor, nurse, or social worker for support.
  • Additional resources to provide emotional support to children: