Jeff Breault Shares His Top 3 Investing Tips

Hi there, Jeff Breault here. Investing can be a daunting topic particularly if you are very unfamiliar with it. This blog aims to reduce this uncertainty, as I will share with you today the top three investing tips I give to my clients.

1. Start now.

I can never emphasize the importance of starting as soon as you can. You shouldn’t wait for the next windfall or for your promotion. You can always invest no matter how small the amount is; the important thing is that you started. Think of it this way: money needs to grow over time before it can give you substantial returns. As true as my name is Jeff Breault, the sooner you start, the more time your money will have to grow.

2. Leverage on automation.

Saving and investing requires commitment, and oftentimes it’s easier to give in to temptation and to make unnecessary purchases. You can do away with this mindset by automating your savings and investment. Numerous banks and companies offer this option wherein a portion of your salary automatically goes to a savings account or an investment account. This way, you won’t have to make any excuses about being unable to save and invest.

3. Forget your money.

Thinking about the long-term gains is the best mindset to making the most out of your investment. To do this, you need to forget that you have money in the bank or that you are growing it. Many of my clients have told me, “Jeff Breault, I really want to purchase so and so. Can’t I just take out a little bit of my investment?” I always answer that this decision lies on them—but they have to make sure that this is what they want to do because taking money out of the investment can cause it to lose traction.

These three tips are going to help you get started on the right path to investing. In case you need more advice, don’t hesitate to sound off in the comments below!