Jeff Breault on WSU Shockers’ Weakness

The recent loss against Memphis highlights glaring errors for WSU, notes Shockers fan Jeff Breault. Admittedly, the team doesn’t finish strong.

Even the management seems to be aware of the problem. Immediately after the loss, coach Greg Marshall has been quoted as saying that the loss is due to inconsistencies on WSU plays. While the team may indeed be the one of the strongest that Wichita has fielded in years, they need to be strong for each game and not just in special, highlight reel moments. Marshall said, “We’ve shown we can play pretty well in stretches, but not consistently for 40 minutes.”

Jeff Breault also noted that the Shockers need to take advantage of smart plays, and the WSU coach agrees. He also stressed that the team needs to carefully select when to let go, especially in avoiding foul troubles. Marshall added, “We’ve got to be smarter. Some of our fouls are just really dumb.”

However, the coach also admitted that the team also needs to be managed better. “Some of the plays we made or didn’t make were things we discussed in the timeouts and huddles and we just didn’t execute. It’s on me. I’ve got to get them better.”

Why is the recent loss against Memphis a glaring example of the team’s weakness?

The Shockers started strong in the opening minutes, even getting a 16-point lead over Memphis in the first 10 minutes of the game. However, it all went downhill during the second half, even to the point of Memphis lording it with a 60-31 lead over WSU. If the Shockers want to get consistent wins, they need to focus on how they cope with issues during games, and how to finish strong.

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