Jeff Breault on Investing: How to Start Investing Now

Hello, Jeff Breault here. I’ve been in the financial industry for over three decades, and I know that the idea of investing is daunting for many beginners.

I always tell my clients that all financial experts had to start somewhere; they didn’t become experts overnight. And if they’re really interested, the best time to learn is now.

Here’s how you can jumpstart your investing portfolio.

What do you hope to get?

The “why” of investing is the start of the process. There has to be a motivation: why do you want to invest, what are you looking to own and invest into?

I, Jeff Breault, recommends a thorough assessment not just of what you want, but also what you want to gain out of it. This is the concept of investment: putting out cash or money for something you feel will get you returns tomorrow, in a year or the next decade.

Start with something accessible

Investment doesn’t have to start with something huge right off the bat. Something immediately accessible to you with clear benefits is a great way to start learning how investing works and how it can pay off in the long run.

One of the forms of investment that I recommend to start with is a 401k or other retirement plans. It’s a clear and direct investment into your future that everyone understands. As little as 1% of every paycheck will add up quickly, especially if your employers match your contributions. It’s a much-needed payoff for later years.

Explore low initial investment mutual funds

Mutual funds allow you to invest in stocks and bonds with just one transaction. They’re an excellent choice for new investors. However, most of these mutual fund companies may have initial investments that are too high for beginners. A tip that I, Jeff Breault, typically tell beginners is to look for mutual fund companies able to waive the account minimums if you agree to automatic monthly investments that typically range between $50 to $100.

All these things are a great way to begin the process of learning about investment. The best time is always now, to seize that opportunity to get started.