Interested in reviewing for the Journal of Engineering Education?

Sign Up to be a JEE Reviewer

Visit the JEE portal in ScholarOne

We are always looking for qualified reviewers, and reviewing manuscripts is a great way to strengthen your research skills and broaden your knowledge. To sign up to be a reviewer, please go to the JEE portal in ScholarOne and create a user profile:

Information to submit:

  • Contact Information

  • Professional Position

  • Areas of Expertise (The more areas of expertise and details about your experience you list, the more likely it is that you will be assigned manuscripts.)

Once you are assigned a manuscript, please read the JEE Reviewer Guidelines before beginning your review. You should read through these guidelines whenever you are assigned a manuscript, as it is likely to be several months between assigned manuscripts.

Reviewer Resources

JEE Reviewer Resources

Feel free to use other resources on the JEE Reviewer Resources page to get oriented to the reviewing process, to understand expectations for JEE reviewers, and to hone your reviewing skills. Consider collaborating with someone who has reviewed for JEE before to develop your own mentor/mentee reviewer partnership!

Need Help Signing Up to be a JEE Reviewer?

For more information on becoming a reviewer, if you have trouble creating an account, or if you have multiple ScholarOne accounts that you want to merge, please contact the JEE Administrative Assistant, Ms. Teri Garrett (terig(at)