The Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) is committed to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education. To expand our reviewer base and maintain the quality of manuscript reviews, JEE has developed a new Mentored Reviewer Program.

The Mentored Reviewer Program is intended to coach new or novice reviewers through the review process with a mentor who has substantial experience in reviewing and writing engineering education research articles.

All mentors and mentees will be acknowledged at the ASEE annual meeting and receive a certificate recognizing accomplishments through their participation in the program the previous year. Mentees will participate in online training with mentors and JEE editors that include an introduction to JEE and an overview of expectations for reviews.

This Program is a competitive program for both mentors and mentees, with accolades for professional development and leadership.


Mentors will work one-on-one or in small groups with new or novice scientific reviewer(s) to review 3 – 4 manuscripts over a 6 month period. A scaffolded approach allows a decrease in dependence as the mentee develops proficiency.

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This program is for novice reviewers who are interested in enhancing their editorial abilities of scientific manuscripts. By working with a mentor, mentees will progress through 3-4 documents over a 6-month period.


Coaches are former journal editors and associate editors or experienced former program participants. Coaches in the JEE Mentored Reviewer Program will support 2-3 triad teams (with each team having one mentor and two mentees) through the duration of the program. Coaches will monitor team progress by collecting and processing team feedback. Through this feedback and meetings with the team or individuals, coaches will support positive outcomes for program participants.

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