

6:30 PM to 9:00 PM -Welcome Reception (The Summit Room)


7:00 AM – Breakfast (Wasatch B)

7:30 AM to 10:00 AM – Presentations (Wasatch B)

Devin Pope: Projection Bias and Commitment Decisions

Joydeep Srivastava : When Does a Price Discount Backfire? Effect of Price Discount and Shipping Charge on Online Product Evaluations

Scott Rick: Managing Debt and Managing Each Other: Debt Management Decisions in Couples

Gal Zauberman: Tax, Redistribution, and Effort

3:30 PM – Afternoon snacks (Wasatch B)

3:45 PM to 7:15 PM – Presentations (Wasatch B)

Daniel G. Goldstein: The Economic and Cognitive Costs of Annoying Display Advertisements

David Gal: Diversity and its discontents: The effect of perceived demographic diversity on prosocial behavior

Dhananjay Nayakankuppam: The Social Clairvoyant

Zachary Grossman: A test of dual-process reasoning in charitable giving

Ryan Hamilton: The Desire to Acquire Wish List Items: The Ironic Effect of Choosing to Delay Aspirational Purchases

Robert Zeithammer: Paying for a chance to save money: An experiment with bidding fees in name-your-own-price selling

7:15 PM – Dinner (The Summit Room)


7:00 AM- Breakfast (Wasatch B)

7:30 AM to 10:00 AM- Presentations (Wasatch B)

Alex Rees-Jones: Loss aversion motivates tax sheltering: Evidence from U.S. tax returns

Aaron R. Brough: Top 9 or Top 10? The Opposing Effects of Exclusivity and Norm Violation in Consumer Response to Imprecise Advertising Claims

Leslie John: What Hiding Reveals

Jonathan Levav: Preference Expression Modalities

3:30 PM– Afternoon snacks (Wasatch B)

3:45 PM to 7:15 PM– Presentations (Wasatch B)

Tom Meyvis: Questioning the End Effect: Endings Do Not Inherently Have a Disproportionate Impact on Evaluations of Experiences

Brent McFerran: How Can “I” Help “You”? The Impact of Personal Pronoun Use in Customer-Firm Agent Interactions

Don Moore: Confidence and Accuracy over Time

Alexander Chernev: Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benevolent Halo of Social Goodwill

Nina Mažar : Pain of Paying — A Metaphor Gone Literal: Evidence from Neural and Behavioural Psychological Science

Kristin Diehl : Making the Most of It: When and How Savoring the Future Enhances Consumption Enjoyment

7:15 PM– Dinner (The Summit Room)


Darron Billeter, BYU

Aaron Brough, Utah State University

Alexander Chernev, Northwestern University

Darren Dahl, University of British Columbia

Kristin Diehl, University of Southern California

David Gal, University of Illinois at Chicago

Dan Goldstein, Microsoft Research

Shyam Gopinath, University of Utah

Zachary Grossman, University of California, Santa Barbara

Ryan Hamilton, Emory University

Leslie John, Harvard University

Jonathan Levav, Stanford University

Tamara Masters, BYU

Nina Mažar, University of Toronto

Brent McFerran, Simon Fraser University

Tom Meyvis, NYU

Arul Mishra, University of Utah

Himanshu Mishra, University of Utah

Don Moore, UC-Berkeley

Dhananjay Nayakankuppam, University of Iowa

Devin Pope, University of Chicago

Alex Rees-Jones, University of Pennsylvania

Scott Rick, University of Michigan

Joydeep Srivastava, University of Maryland

Elizabeth Tenney, University of Utah

Gal Zauberman, University of Pennsylvania

Robert Zeithammer, UCLA