Ph.D. Candidacy Exam

I am happy to announce that I successfully passed the candidacy exam in my Ph.D. program. Now, the next steps are comprehensive exams and dissertation proposal defense, which will take place in the summer of next year.

M.A. Thesis Defense

It is great to announce that I successfully defended my M.A. thesis: "Can We Trust the Changes? Institutional and Cultural Factors in the Occupational Desegregation of Gay and Lesbian Workers in the United States." I am grateful for the constructive feedback and guidance that my committee (Drs. Sarah Damaske, Daniel DellaPosta, and Stephen Matthews) has provided me with. I will be exited to revise this draft and submit it to a journal hopefully soon.

PAA 2022 Annual Meeting

I will be attending the PAA 2022 Annual Meeting (April 6-9, 2022) in Atlanta, GA. I will present one of my papers in its early stage: "Gendered Challenges in the Computer Science, Engineering, and Math: Technical or Interpersonal Blockades?" This is my first time attending an academic conference.