Lay of the Land

Welcome to my Education Blog/Vlog, Lay of the Land. I'm your host Jason Lay.

My final blog post for Dr. Rob Power's course, Teaching and Learning in an Online World (EDUC5199G) will be a response and reflection on the post-course (student satisfaction) peer-review feedback received, and how that feedback could be used to make improvements to my Online Teaching Module, and online teaching practice.

This post is a reflection on lessons learned during the delivery (teaching) of the Online Teaching Module that I taught to my peers synchronously using Google Meet (Google, n.d.).

This post is a response to and reflection on the pre-course peer-review feedback received, and how that feedback was used. A key component in the development, delivery, and post-delivery of an Online Teaching Module is drawing upon peer-review to help make sure my modules meet my goals, and my learners’ needs.

This blog post reflects on the theories, models, concepts, and strategies that guided the instructional design and development of the Online Teaching Module. When designing and developing the Online Teaching Module, I focused on addressing the Social, Teacher and Cognitive Presence.

The storyboard helped me visualize what my International Business (BBB4M) course would look like. It also helped me write scripts and with planning to ensure that course expectations were being met. It also made it easy for me to make quick changes to the script before I starting building the pilot Module without having to go back and fix the parts that I built.

In my Online Teaching Module, students investigate Marketing Strategies to Cross the gap between Early Adopters and Early Majority. The biggest gap is the one between Early Adopters and Early Majority, and in Crossing the Chasm, author Geoffrey A. Moore is focused on this gap.

I prepared a short Instructor Welcome Video, which was embedded both in my personal education Google Site (Google, n.d.), Linkedin site (Microsoft, n.d.) and within the two Google Classrooms (Google, n.d.) that I am currently using to teach my three online courses. I also included the Welcome Video in my Online Teaching Unit for EDUC5199G. In this blog post, I will be reflecting on the purpose and creation of the Instructor Welcome Video.

I am currently taking Dr. Rob Power's course, Teaching and Learning in an Online World (EDUC5199G), One of the assignments in the course involves creating a Journal. This is the first entry of my Online Teaching Module Journal. I will provide an overview of what the journal is, Online Teaching Module and why it is being created, and how it is organized.

Pear Deck makes it easy to ask critical thinking questions that spark curiosity and challenge intuition instead of just delivering facts. The tool helps teachers ask open-ended questions and engage with each participant's answers. It allows each participant to see other people’s ideas, understanding that there are different ways of thinking that have value.

Flipgrid enables students to participate equally in discussions, and for students to hear their peers voices and insights, regardless of whether or how fast they raise their hands. Flipgrid allows teachers to give students a voice by listening in on their conversations and customizing class discussion to their needs.

The nature of a twitter stream allows it to be used as a passive or active learning tool: learners can watch, skim, and surf, or tweet, connect, and produce. This allows you, as the educator, to plan for a variety of roles for the learner by task, group, or as a matter of learning personalization.

Easy and visual representations of information. Making complex information easier to share and digest. Simply organize your images, chars, and text.

By examining how popular games trigger and sustain learning, educators can understand how to apply these to curriculum topics. They include elements such as personally meaningful content, authentic professionalism, embodied learning, productive failure, and learning through play.

By targeting earlier adopters or those who are more likely to adopt new technology and innovations, significant new product publicity can be generated through their extensive informal networks, which can help increase the innovation diffusion process .

Inadequate professional development and training is one of the key obstacles to using technology productively in classrooms.

I have been thinking about blogging for many years but I never got around to starting a blog until I started taking Dr. Rob Power’s course, Digital Technology for Adult Education (EDUC 5405G).