JA Virtual Stock Market Challenge

“It's just fun!”

Wednesday, May 4th

4:00 to 6:00 pm PT

During this stock market simulation, you will have the opportunity to test your market savviness and financial knowledge! Teams begin with $1,000,000 to buy and sell fictitious stocks based on real-life companies. The team with the highest net worth in its stock portfolio at the closing bell WINS the game! The Virtual Stock Market Challenge offers a unique and fun opportunity to enjoy quick-paced, team decision-making, just like a day on Wall Street - but squeezed into 90 minutes!

The JA 2022 Virtual Stock Market Challenge will be a combine student and adult event where all teams will compete against each other. Who has more stock market acumen? Let's play and find out! There will be 3 winners - an overall winning team, a student team winner, and an adult team winner. May the 4th be with you all.

Student Teams

Learn about managing your mock stock portfolio the fun way - with a fast-paced game!

Adult Teams

The Stock Market Challenge is designed for fun. There is no fee to enter. However, there will be items that may help with your trades that you can "buy" for a $25 to $150 donation to JA, funding the JA 2022 Virtual Stock Market Challenge.

Thank you to our Sponsors

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Please email Todd Halvorson at thalvorson@janorcal.org with any questions.

The top 3 teams from the 2021 Stock Market Challenge:

1st Place - Savvy Stonk Enthusiast - 2 Juniors from Burlingame High School - 48% ROI

2nd Place - Chicken Stock - 2 Freshman & 2 Sophomores from Livermore High School - 39% ROI

3rd Place - Burlingame HS Team D - 2 Juniors from Burlingame High School - 35% ROI