
The research in the EDGE lab is funded by grants from Social Sciences and Humanities Research of Canada (SSHRC) and the Ontario Early Researcher Award awarded to the Principal Investigator of the lab, Dr. Ivona Hideg. Details of the grants are presented below.


Insight Grant, Principal (Sole) Investigator

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research of Canada (SSHRC)

  • Men and gender equality: The effect of taking a paternity leave on men's career outcomes

  • Value: $152,377


Lazaridis Institute Seed Grant, Wilfrid Laurier University, Principal Investigator

  • Tackling the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship: The Role of Benevolent Sexist Attitudes in Underfunding of Female-Led Ventures

  • Value: $7,988


Early Researcher Award , Principal (Solo) Investigator

  • Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation

  • Value: $150,000


Partnership Development Grant, Co-applicant (PI: Thomas O’Neill)

Other co-applicants: Chiocchio, F.; Donia, M.; Steel, P.; Taras, V.; & Uggerslev, K.

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research of Canada (SSHRC)

  • The Intersection of Teamwork, Culture, and Technology: Enhancing Soft Skill Development in Post-Secondary Education through Student-Centered Feedback

  • Value: $465, 000 (total from SSHRC and partners)


Insight Grant, PI (Collaborator: D. Lance Ferris)

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research of Canada (SSHRC)

  • Double-Edged Sword of Benevolent Sexism: How Benevolent Sexist Attitudes Promote and Undermine Gender Diversity in the Workplace

  • Value: $114,604