Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is the standard office suite for the entire campus. These programs include Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Teams, and One Note. You can use the online version of Office (see Office 365 below) or you can download and install the software on up to 5 computers and 5 tablets.  It’s free for Centre faculty, staff, and students.

If you already have a version of Microsoft Office installed, which is common for new computers, please follow the steps below to uninstall it before you try to install the latest version.

Uninstalling Office

Windows computers:

MacOS computers:

Install Microsoft Office


View the Teams page for documentation.


View the email page for information on Outlook.


Why won’t Excel let me view two documents at the same time?

Unlike Word, Excel doesn’t automatically open two different Excel files in the same window.  This can be frustrating, especially if you are trying to compare data.

Here is a trick to get your Excel files to open in two different windows:


All instruction computers, as well as new and re-issued employee computers, now have Windows 11, which means that a few things will look slightly different. If you are/were using “Classic Shell” – a program that was used on campus prior to Summer 2022 – the change will be more dramatic. Classic shell emulated the Windows XP interface, which was introduced in 2001, so as you can imagine, there have been a few changes over the last 20 years.

Check out the following resources on Windows 11: