The Call for Papers

This call includes papers, experiential sessions, symposia and posters.

**** The submission and review process in now closed. ****

The closing date for abstracts was extended to the 25th of January, 2018. Please submit your proposals by sending an email to the Conference organizing committee at


Proposals should not exceed 600 words and include only essential references as these form part of the word limit.

Style: Anonymised, in Times New Roman, 12 points type, single spaced.

Include a separate contact page, listing: author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation, phone, email and type of presentation (paper, symposium, workshop, or poster). In case of multiple authors, please signal one author who will take on the responsibility of communication with the Conference organizers.

Both abstract and contact page should be provided as doc, docx or rtf files, titled respectively:



Review process:

Proposals will be blind reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and acceptance announced by March 16th, 2018.