
*** News! Scroll down for General programme and Parallel sessions! ****

Please note that the time allowed for presentations of papers has now changed.


  • Due to a high number of submissions papers will be given 30 minutes: 20 for presentation and 10 for dialogue and debate.


  • Experiential sessions will have 90 minutes and will take the form of workshops where activities based on participants’ experience are the basis for reflection on the conference topics.


  • Symposia will have 90 minutes and can include up to three presentations around a theme (max. 60 minutes) and 30 minutes for dialogue and debate.


  • Posters will be given a dedicated time during a longer lunch break on Saturday. Presenters are expected to be around during this time frame for questions and explanations, for cultivating dialogue around the conference topic. Handouts should be provided.
  • We suggest to refer to situated dilemmas, e.g. connected to issues and questions emerging within a specific community of practice, cultural dimension, or territorial area, and aiming to highlight how these dilemmas can be understood and reframed according to a transformative framework.

Conference time

The conference will start on Thursday the 28th June at 17.00 and will finish on Sunday the 1st July at 13.30.

Pre-conference event

On Thursday the 28th from 14.00 to 16.00 we have organised a pre-conference event at the MUFOCO, Museum of Contemporary Photography (, in Cinisello Balsamo, situated in walking distance from the conference venue of Villa Forno. The visit to the museum will offer food for thought that will engage young and experienced researchers in conversation about art and transformation.

For more information and to book your place to the pre-conference event email:


Thursday 28th June 2018

14.00 Pre-conference event – Visit to MUFOCO museum + discussion in groups between young researchers and senior scholars

16.00 Registration

17.00 Welcome to the conference and instructions about the conference structure

18.30 Group meetings on Dilemmas – What dilemmas do you bring to the conference?

19.30 Buffet (end 20.30)

Friday 29th June 2018

9.00 Contemporary dilemmas and learning for transformation: Patterns emerging from the papers submitted

ESREA ITLP Network conveners

10.00 Parallel sessions/workshops/symposia

11.30 Coffee Break

12.00 Parallel sessions/workshops/symposia

13.30 Lunch

14.30 Parallel sessions/workshops/symposia

16.00 Have a coffee with your group – Any dilemmas originating from the conference?

17.00 The “150 hours”: a pattern of public school for the working class. An experience of adult education at the Lombardini Middle School of Milan in the Seventies

Stefano Agnoletto, Fondazione ISEC- Istituto per la Storia dell’Età Contemporanea-Institute for the History of the Contemporary Age (end 18.00)

20.00 Social dinner. Rendez-vous à 19.20 (Cosmo Palace Hotel or Villa Forno)

Saturday 30th June 2018

9.00 Panel – The international community and specific networks: Italian TL Network, American ITLC Network, Greek TL Network, and Journal of Transformative Education.

Chair: Anna Laros (ESREA ITPL)

10.00 Parallel sessions/workshops/symposia

11.30 Coffee Break

12.00 Parallel sessions/workshops/symposia

13.30 Long Lunch – Posters time

15.00 Parallel sessions/workshops/symposia

16.30 Have a coffee with your group – Any dilemmas originating from the conference? (end 17.30)

Free evening

Sunday 1st July 2018

9.00 Parallel sessions/workshops/symposia

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00 Sharing of the groups on the dilemmas that originated from the conference

12.30 Synthesis, emerging trends and closing of the conference (end 13.30)

Please, download and print the General Programme here

Breakout of Parallel Sessions

Please download and print the Full Programme with the Parallel Sessions here.

Go to the Abstracts and Papers page to download.