
the Networks

The ITPL Network

Since the first Transformative Learning Conference was organized in Europe in 2011, there have been lively exchanges within the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) around the meaning and the functions of transformative processes in the field of adult education and lifelong learning. Created in 2014, this Research Network of ESREA opens a space for enhancing and sustaining international dialogue and research. It aims at exploring, in depth, the meanings, theories and practices that are involved in the facilitation of transformative processes (including but not limited to transformative learning) across the lifespan.

In our Network, we bring together diverse researchers/scholars from different countries to dialogue and explore transformative processes/TL, in theory and practice: philosophically, psychosocially, pedagogically, ethically and through the lens of heterogeneous forms of research and disciplinary/interdisciplinary framings. We seek to cultivate a genuinely international dialogue involving new and experienced colleagues from all over Europe, and around the globe, to further our understanding of transformative learning, and of transformation itself, and to contribute to wider debate about the nature, purpose and possibilities of adult education in a changing and deeply troubled world.

The Network holds a biennial conference – hosted by one of our European member countries – and selects a theme that builds on the discussions during previous conferences.

Our third conference explores questions raised by the experience of many and perplexing contemporary dilemmas and the way they may relate to learning and transformation. The choice of the theme appears appropriate as a way of triggering dialogue and reflections around contemporary socio-political and ecological, as well as ethical and educational, crises that characterize European countries, and the wider world. And of the dilemmas posed by what can be antagonistic, sometimes complementary and often contradictory positions that are experienced in the field of the theory and practice of transformative education.

The Italian Transformative Learning Network

The Italian partner, jointly organizing this conference - along with 4 Universities (Milano Bicocca, Siena and Arezzo, Padova, Napoli “Federico II”) - is composed by a range of scholars, researchers and practitioners who are interested in the study and practice of transformative learning in life contexts and in workplaces. Its purpose is to sustain and develop research trajectories and multidisciplinary inquiry on the topic of adult learning, active developmental methodologies and informal learning processes. The Italian Transformative Learning Network promotes high-impact research, useful to be applied for organizational, group and individual development.


The European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (www.esrea.org) promotes and disseminates theoretical and empirical research on the education of adults and adult learning in Europe through research networks, conferences and publications. It was established in 1991 as a scientific society which provides a Europewide forum for all researchers engaged in adult education and learning. It has individual and institutional members from all over Europe, and beyond. It comprises 12 Research Networks that hold regular seminars for the exchange and scientifically open debate on research; it also organizes a Triennial Conference of all networks, and promotes a Scientific Journal (RELA – Journal of Research on the Education and Learning of Adults), and a book series with Sense.