Abstracts & Papers
Please download the Book of Abstracts here.
Michel Alhadeff-Jones - Conceiving the Experience of Dilemmas as a Rhythmic Feature Shaping the Temporalities of Transformative Learning
Michel Alhadeff-Jones, Hervé Breton & Linden West - Exploring the Dilemmas Triggered by the Practice of Life History Seminar: the Value of Working at the Edge
Remos Armaos & Anna Tsiboukli - Adult Education and Change in Organisations
Magali Balayn - From Disorienting Dilemmas to Emancipatory Lifelong Learning Experiences: Study of Autoformation Kaïros
Nadia Bassano - The City and Its Dilemmas: for a Contemporary Interpretation
Geetanjali Baswani, Pawan Sahu, Pushpa Kumari & Koshy Jacob - Dilemmas of Aging: Elderly People in India (poster)
Eric Bertrand, Jérôme Eneau & Pierre Faller - Psycho-Sociological Process and Sense-Making of Transformative Dilemmas in the Workplace
Natascia Bobbo & Silvia Lazzaro - Health Professions and Nursing Students: Facing a Contemporary Dilemma Between a Focus on Compassion or Technical Assistance. Transformative Learning as a Hypothesis to Cope to the De-idealization Training Path
Francesca Bracci, Alessandra Romano & Chad Hoggan - Experience-based Learning and Learning from Experience. Supporting Professional Identity Development Through Reflective Practices
Christine Campini - Transformative Learning of the Parent Through Sensitive Dialogue with the Child
Maria Christou - “Should We Fight or Should We Discuss?" Teaching With the Method Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience
Dimitrios Deligiannis - The Role of the Adult Educator in the Years of the Crisis: Dilemmas and Challenges
Andrea Detmer - Transformative Learning Through Innovation Education: Exploring Higher Education Students' Dilemmas
Fabio Dovigo - Changing Organisational Dynamics Through the Strategic Learning Model: the Contribution of Transformative Learning
Tove Eriksson - Learning and Dilemmas: Gender Educators in Sweden
Loretta Fabbri, Elisabetta Di Benedetto, Carlo Orefice and Mario Giampaolo - “I’m Not a Man With the Deep Feed”. The Cancer as Shared Social Practice
Loretta Fabbri, Laura Formenti, Alexis Kokkos, Claudio Melacarne & Aliki Nicolaides - Transformative Learning Approaches Beyond Transformative Learning Theory (symposium)
Loretta Fabbri, Mario Giampaolo & Alessandra Romano - Engaging Transformative Organisational Learning at University of Siena: the Case of Teaching and Learning Center
Alessandro Ferrante - Dangerous Transformations. Dilemmas and Conflicts Between Politics and Pedagogy in the Contemporary Italian Context
Fergal Finnegan - ‘Freedom Is a Very fine Thing’: Democratic Praxis and Divergent Notions of Autonomy in Transformative Learning Theory
Sally Ann Fitzpatrick & Lois Meyer - Between ‘lifting off the labels’ and ‘hearing it in their voices’: Revealing dilemmas and transformation in postgraduate students of Aboriginal health and wellbeing
Camilla Fitzsimons - Adult Education and White Privilege, Untangling Dilemmas of Privilege and Power
Laura Formenti & Linden West - The Art of Harmonising Opposites: Auto/biography and the Challenge to Dichotomies in Transformative Learning (symposium)
Daniela Frison & Concetta Tino - Design of a Training Perspectives Questionnaire to Encourage Transformative Professional Development
Andrea Galimberti - Facing Disorienting Dilemmas in Professional Transitions. A Narrative Research on PhD Graduates' Experiences
Katarzyna Gawlicz - “I Felt as If I Was Becoming Myself Anew.” Transformative Learning Through Action Research Projects Carried Out by Beginning Teachers
Trevor Gerhardt & Andrew Gould - Identifying Dilemma and Transformation Among Priests in Higher Education for the Consideration of Dilemma Among Business Students
Larry Green - The Disorienting Dilemma: Loss of Ground
Larry Green & Linden West - Bringing Truth to Life: Challenging the Boundaries Between Transformative Adult Learning and Psychotherapy, Toward a More Inclusive Community
Paulina Hawrylewicz-Kowalska - Interacting With Non-Traditional Learners. Teachers of the ITP (Individual Teaching Programme) as a Case Study
Pierre Hébrard - Some Dilemmas Related With Professional Transitions: the Case of Nurses Becoming Teachers in Health Sector Training Centres
Maria Kagiavi - Defining the Notion of Responsibility Using Dramatic Techniques (workshop)
Maria Karakou - The Utilization of the Aesthetic Experience as a Means for a Better View of Life
Kastner Monika, Ricarda Motschilnig & Irene Cennamo - Traces of Transformations: Dilemmas as Learning Resources and Drivers for Transformation?
Katerina Kedraka - Transformative Experiences in Biosciences: Dilemmas for Students and Professors?
Alexis Kokkos - Self-Directed or Assisted Learning? A Persistent Dilemma of Adult Educators (workshop)
George Koulaouzides & Maria Skiada - The Disorienting Dilemma of Cultural Estrangement in Refugee Communities and the Transformative Potential of Authentic Input in Instructed L2 Learning
Pushpa Kumari, Rajiv Nayan, Geetanjali Baswani & Pawan Sahu - Frustrations, Dilemmas and Growth Worries of Beginning Teachers in Inclusive Education: a Case Study of School Teachers in Delhi, India
Concetta La Rocca & Massimo Margottini - Development of an ePortfolio Page: the Notebook to Reflect on the Meaning of Life
Anna Laros & Julia Košinár - Disorienting Dilemmas and Irritations in Professional Development. A Longitudinal Study on Swiss Teacher-Students
Daniela Lehner - The Hero’s/ Heroine’s journey – experiencing the transformative potential of dilemma
Silvia Luraschi, Gaia Del Negro & Laura Formenti - Feminism as a Dilemma? Three Voices for a Dis/orientating Conversation
Aleksa Jovanovic - Transformative Learning in the Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Chrysa Manthou - Social Relations and a Café
Mary Margaroni - Dilemmas in Facilitating Transformative Processes in Adult Education. A Case Study by Teaching Modern Greek as L2
Jean-Michel Mégret & Jérôme Eneau- Training for Entrepreneurship: the Dilemma of Time and Isolation. The Case of 88 Entrepreneurs of Small Companies in Brittany
Misawa Mitsunori & Juanita Johnson-Bailey - Examining Feminist Pedagogy From the Perspective of Transformative Learning: Do Race and Gender Matter in Feminist Classrooms?
Alice Mongiello - ‘Humanizing the Machine’: Exploring the Nature of Authentic Practice Online
Georgios Panagiotopoulos & Zoe Karanikola - Contemporary Working Dilemmas and European Policies for Transformation
Manos Pavlakis & Georgios Giotopoulos - Enhancing Empathy in Transformative Learning Contexts
Niki Phillips - Transformative Dilemmas During the Training of the Adult Trainers/Educators Through the Use of Art (workshop)
Joanna Pitura - Transformative Learning Through Transformative Research – Stories of Student- Researchers Engaged in an Advocacy Research Project
Natassa Raikou - Orientations on Disorienting Dilemma: Towards an Integral Conceptualization Between Theory and Practice
Anna Paulina Rainio & Kaisu Mälkki - Micro-Interaction Analysis of the Dilemmatic Processes of Transformative Learning: Ambivalence and Edge-Emotions in a Theatre Project With Foster Care Youth
Alessandra Rigamonti - Learning by Rhythmic Dilemmas: a Narrative and Participatory Inquiry With Foster Care Professionals
Laura Selmo - Adults and Higher Education: Between Dilemma and Critical Self-Reflection
Maura Striano & Stefano Maltese - Learning Through Talking About Oneself: the Transformative Potential of “Coming Out” Narratives in Young Adults
Alessandro Tolomelli & Francesco Cappa - Acting Dilemmas. Theatre of the Oppressed as Vehicle for Transformative Learning (workshop)
Panagiota Tsentourou - Dilemmas in Designing and Facilitating Corporate Training for Transformation (workshop)
Anna Tsiboukli - Transformative Learning and Group Psychodynamics in Organization Settings
Annette Ullrich & Levan Lim - Perspectives on a Contemporary Dilemma and Its Implications for Transformative Learning. Lessons Learned From South-East Asia
Chaewon Yang - Retirement and Transformation: Adult Education and Transformative Learning in Aging Society
Jude Walker & Shayna Horstein - The Body as Teacher: Expanding Theories and Pedagogies of Discomfort in Transformative Learning
Binfang Wu - Self, Other and Transformative Learning. Stories of Knowing in a Cultural-Writing Course at a Chinese University
Marta Zientek - Adult Learners’ Dilemmas Due to Political Changes. Implementing Plans and Experimenting With New Roles