Abstract Submission

What browser should I use?

We recommend the latest version of the following web browsers.

  • Windows: FireFox, Chrome
  • Mac: FireFox, Chrome, Safari

Is there any registration and payment deadline for presenters?

All presenters should complete the registration and payment by May 25, 2018. See also: Call for Papers

How do I contact the local organizing committee?

A safe way to make sure you get our emails, is by adding our addresses to your mailbox Contacts:

  1. ispa2018tokyo@gmail.com (inquiries on registration and payments -English OK)
  2. ispa2018jpn@gmail.com (miscellaneous inquiries)
  3. ispa2018tokyo@gloria-eurex.com (hotel reservations info, also see http://ispa2018tokyo.jp/hotels.html )
  4. ispa2018st@gmail.com (scheduling of presentations/ Science Team/ abstract submissions)

Feel free to contact us if you need any further information.