The Optics, Photonics & Upcoming Methods and Applications (OPUMA) Conference is an annual event organized by the Optics and Photonics Student Community formed by the SPIE and OSA Student Chapters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

This event was created to provide a top-class conference cycle in Mexico since international travelling is difficult for the average student. The OPUMA predecesor was the Optics & Photonics School was held by the SPIE Student Chapter during late 2015 with presence of several scholars from UNAM and Prof. Miguel Ángel Alonso from the University of Rochester. Given its success within the University Community, the event grew into OPUMA, and since 2016 onwards, it has impacted hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students with the generous support of UNAM, SPIE and OSA.

The OPUMA Conference was awarded as the best Professional Development event/series at the Chapter Management Showcase of the IONS Orlando 2019.