Role of Thermostat Cold Control in the Drinking Fountain

Drinking fountains have been a ubiquitous fixture in public spaces for decades. They are convenient and reliable and provide access to clean, cold water. However, many people may need to learn that drinking fountains are equipped with cold thermostat control, which plays a crucial role in ensuring that the water dispensed is refreshing and safe to drink.


What is a Thermostat Cold Control?           


A cold thermostat control drinking fountain is a temperature-regulating device installed within the fountain to maintain the temperature of the water. It works by turning on the refrigeration system when the water temperature rises above a certain set point and turning it off when it falls below the same set point.


The cold control of the drinking fountain bubbler is typically a mechanical device that uses a bimetallic strip, which consists of two different metals that expand and contract at different rates when exposed to temperature changes. When the temperature goes above the set point, the bimetallic strip expands, activating a switch on the refrigeration system. Conversely, when the temperature falls below the set point, the bimetallic strip contracts and the switch turns off the refrigeration system.


Why is a Thermostat Cold Control Important in Drinking Fountains?


There are several reasons why a cold thermostat control drinking fountains is imperative. First and foremost, it ensures that the water is kept at a safe and refreshing temperature for consumption. Cold control prevents the water from becoming too warm, which can promote the growth of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.


Secondly, cold control helps to conserve energy and reduce costs associated with operating the refrigeration system. Without a cold control, the refrigeration system would run continuously, wasting energy and increasing the risk of system failure and component wear and tear.


Lastly, a cold thermostat control drinking fountain operates efficiently and reliably. The cold control is a critical component of the refrigeration system and must be calibrated correctly to ensure that the system operates as intended. A malfunctioning cold control can cause the system to run inefficiently, resulting in increased energy costs and potential system failure.


How Does a Thermostat Cold Control Work in Drinking Fountains?


When a user presses the button or lever on a drinking fountain, water flows from the source into the fountain's basin. The water then passes through a filter, which removes impurities and contaminants. Once the water is filtered, it enters the refrigeration system, which is cooled to the desired temperature.


The refrigeration system comprises several components: a compressor, condenser, evaporator, and refrigerant. A compressor plays a vital role in compressing the refrigerant, which increases its temperature and pressure. The high-pressure refrigerant then flows through the condenser, releasing heat to the surrounding environment and condensing into a liquid.


The liquid refrigerant then flows through the evaporator, evaporating and absorbing heat from the water, thereby cooling it. The refrigerant then flows back to the compressor, where the cycle begins again.


Throughout the refrigeration cycle, the cold control monitors the temperature of the water and activates or deactivates the refrigeration system as necessary. The cold control of the drinking fountain bubbler ensures that the water is kept at the desired temperature and prevents the refrigeration system from running unnecessarily.


Final Words


The cold thermostat control drinking fountain is a critical component of your water unit that plays a significant role in ensuring that the water dispensed is safe, refreshing, and energy-efficient. By monitoring and regulating the temperature of the water, cold control prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms and ensures that the refrigeration system operates efficiently and reliably.