Consider 10 Tips for the Right Elkay Outdoor Drinking Water Fountain

Outdoor drinking fountains are a piece of attraction for anyone seeking refreshment while enjoying the great outdoors. Whether at a park, a playground, or a hiking trail, these fountains provide a convenient and sustainable source of clean drinking water. These outdoor water appliances are a perfect way to reduce the burden of producing plastic water bottles and protect the environment. Elkay drinking fountains, known for their quality and durability, have become popular for outdoor hydration solutions.


Whether selecting the right model, ensuring proper installation and maintenance, or prioritizing accessibility and hygiene, choosing the right outdoor drinking fountain seems cumbersome. Remember, a well-maintained and strategically placed drinking fountain can significantly impact your community's well-being. This article will explore ten essential tips to consider when installing and maintaining outdoor drinking water fountains.


1. Right Location Matters to Us


Choosing the right location for your outdoor drinking water fountain is crucial. It should be easily accessible and visible to passersby. Ensure the area around the fountain is well-lit, well-maintained, and safe. This not only encourages people to use it but also deters vandalism.


2. Comply with Local Regulations


Before installing an outdoor drinking fountain, check your local regulations and permits. Compliance with health and safety standards is essential to ensure the water's quality and users' safety. Elkay drinking fountains are designed to meet these standards.


3. Select the Right Model


Elkay offers a variety of outdoor drinking fountain models to suit different needs. Consider factors such as the expected foot traffic, weather conditions, and accessibility requirements when choosing a model. Some models come with built-in bottle fillers, making them even more versatile.


4. Ensure Proper Installation


Proper installation is critical for the longevity and functionality of your outdoor drinking fountain. Follow Elkay's installation guidelines carefully, or hire a professional to ensure the fountain is securely anchored, has the right plumbing connections, and is level.


5. Essential Regular Maintenance


Regular maintenance is key element to keeping your outdoor drinking fountain in good working condition. Clean the fountain and replace filters as Elkay recommends maintaining water quality. Promptly address any issues with water flow, temperature, or leaks.


6. Seasonal Considerations


Outdoor drinking fountains are exposed to the elements. In cold climates, consider models with freeze-resistant features to prevent damage during the winter months. Elkay drinking fountain offers a range of models with built-in freeze protection.


7. Sustainability


Opt for Elkay drinking fountains that are designed with sustainability in mind. Many models feature water-saving technology, such as low-flow bubblers and bottle fillers, which help conserve water while providing a refreshing drink.


8. Accessibility for All


Ensure that your outdoor drinking fountain is accessible to all users, including individuals with disabilities. Elkay offers ADA-compliant fountains designed to accommodate wheelchair users, making them an inclusive choice for public spaces.


9. Hygiene and Sanitation


Hygiene is paramount for outdoor drinking fountains, especially in high-traffic areas. Consider models with hands-free, sensor-activated features to reduce the risk of germ transmission. Elkay's touchless fountains are a prime example of this technology.’


10. Promote Usage


Lastly, promote the use of your outdoor drinking fountain. Place signs or markers to draw attention to the fountain's location. Educate the public on the benefits of using a drinking fountain over disposable plastic bottles, emphasizing the positive environmental impact.


The End Note


Outdoor drinking water fountains are essential amenities for public spaces, providing a sustainable and convenient source of hydration. Elkay branded fountains are a reliable choice due to their quality and durability. Considering the ten tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your outdoor drinking fountain serves its purpose effectively, offering refreshing water to all who need it while contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly environment.