Everything You Must Know Water Cooler Parts

A water cooler is a device that dispenses cool drinking water. It can be freestanding or countertop and is often found in offices, factories, and other workplaces. Some models include a built-in water filter for improved taste. They can be connected to a water source or use replaceable water bottles. Water coolers are a convenient way to ensure clean, refreshing drinking water access.


Various water cooler parts are available such as:


The following are the different water cooler parts:


Cabinet: The cabinet is the outer covering of the water cooler that houses the water tank and other components. It is typically made of plastic or metal and is designed to protect internal components from damage.


Water Tank: The water tank is the container that holds the water to be dispensed. It is typically made of plastic or stainless steel and is designed to hold and dispense water.


Cold Water Dispenser: The cold water dispenser is a valve or faucet dispelling chilled water. This part of the water cooler allows the user to access cold water.


Hot Water Dispenser: The hot water dispenser is a valve or faucet that dispenses hot water. This part of the water cooler allows the user to access hot water.


Compressor: The compressor is a mechanical device that cools the water in the tank. It is an essential component of the water cooler as it allows the water to be chilled to the desired temperature.


Thermostat: The thermostat is a device that controls the temperature of the water in the water tank. It works by sensing the temperature of the water and adjusting the compressor and other components to maintain the desired temperature.


Cold Control Thermostat


A cold control thermostat drinking fountain is a type of thermostat that is specifically designed for use with water coolers. It is typically more accurate and reliable than other thermostats, as it is designed to maintain a specific temperature range.


Function: The thermostat works by sensing the temperature of the water in the water tank and adjusting the compressor and other components to maintain the desired temperature. This is important because the water in the tank needs to be at the right temperature for safe and comfortable drinking.


Accuracy: Cold control thermostats are known for their accuracy and reliability. They are designed to maintain a specific temperature range, essential for safe and comfortable water drinking.


Benefits: Using a thermostat cold control drinking fountain has several advantages. It ensures that the water is at the right temperature for safe and comfortable drinking, which is essential for maintaining good health. Additionally, it also helps keep the taste and quality of the water.


End Note


A water cooler is a device that dispenses drinking water, and it consists of various water cooler parts such as Cabinet, Water Tank, Cold Water Dispenser, Hot Water Dispenser, Compressor, and Thermostat. Among these, the thermostat is an essential part of the water cooler, which controls the water temperature in the water tank. A cold control thermostat is a type of thermostat specifically designed for water coolers, which is more accurate and reliable than other types of thermostats. It ensures that the water is at the right temperature for safe and comfortable drinking, which is essential for maintaining good health.