Different Replacement Parts of Wall Hang Drinking Fountains

Wall hang drinking fountains are a convenient and essential feature in many public spaces, providing clean and accessible drinking water. Like any piece of equipment, they require regular maintenance to ensure they remain functional and hygienic. Understanding the different drinking fountain replacement parts that need routine changes can help maintain these units' efficiency and longevity.


Common Replacement Parts for Wall Hang Drinking Fountains


1. Filters


One of the most critical drinking fountain replacement parts in wall hang drinking fountains is the water filter. These are responsible for removing impurities and contaminants from the water, ensuring it is safe to drink. With the time, these filters can accumulate debris and lose their effectiveness. It is generally recommended to replace the filters every six months to one year, depending on the usage and water quality.


2. Bubblers and Nozzles


The bubbler, also known as the spout or nozzle, is another essential part that requires periodic replacement. Due to frequent use, bubblers can become worn or damaged, leading to reduced water flow or contamination risks. Regular inspection and replacement, typically every one to two years, can help maintain the quality and hygiene of the drinking water.


3. Cartridges


The cartridge is an important component in a wall hang drinking fountain equipped with a refrigeration system that needs attention. The cartridge helps regulate the temperature of the water. Over time, it can wear out, affecting the fountain's cooling efficiency. Replacing the cartridge every two to three years is advisable to ensure the water remains at a refreshing temperature.


4. Valves and Seals


Valves and seals play a crucial role in controlling water flow and preventing leaks. These components can deteriorate due to constant use and exposure to water, leading to inefficiencies or water wastage. Regular inspection and replacement, ideally every one to two years, can help maintain optimal performance and prevent water leakage issues.


5. Compressor


For refrigerated wall hang drinking fountains, the compressor is vital to ensure the water is chilled. Compressors can wear out or fail over time, particularly with heavy use. Routine checks and replacement every three to five years can help maintain the cooling function and extend the life of the drinking fountain.


6. Push Buttons and Electronic Controls


The push buttons or electronic controls that activate the water flow are subject to frequent use and can wear out or malfunction. Replacing these components when they become less responsive or show signs of wear ensures that users can easily access drinking water. Depending on usage, these parts might need replacement every two to three years.


7. Drainage System Components


The drainage system, including the drain trap and piping, can accumulate debris and become clogged over time. Regular maintenance and replacement of these drinking fountain replacement parts are crucial to prevent blockages and ensure smooth drainage. Inspecting and replacing drainage components every one to two years can help avoid overflow and maintain hygiene.


Final Thoughts


Understanding and routinely replacing the essential drinking fountain replacement parts is crucial to maintaining the performance and hygiene of wall hang drinking fountains. Regular maintenance not only ensures safe drinking water but also prolongs the life of the equipment, making it a cost-effective solution for any public space.