The Do's and Don't to Great Healthy Nails

What Are Our Nails Made of?

Nails are made primarily of a tough protein called keratin. Keratin is the same protein that makes up the structure of hair and the outer layer of skin. In the case of nails, keratin forms a hardened, protective layer that covers and supports the fingertip or toe tip. 

Did you know that our nails structure consists of several components.

Namely: Nail Plate, Nail Bed, Cuticle, Nail Matrix, Lunula, Nail Folds & Grooves & Hyponychium.

What is Normal and What is Not

Normal Nail Characteristics

Signs of Potential Nail Issues 

Are You Taking Good Care of Your Nails?

Remember that nail health is influenced by various factors, including genetics and overall health. By following these tips and maintaining good hygiene practices, you can promote strong, beautiful nails.