Web Hosting

5 Web Hosting Sites - Easy to Use - Value for Money

If you're like me, you have probably been back and forth to find the ideal web hosting solution for your website, especially when the requisite skills needed to do so are grossly lacking. But there's a bell ringing in that mind of yours that tells you it's very possible and achievable.

After much frustration and tireless hours of research I was able to get some great insight and narrowed down my choices to at least 5 web hosting sites.

But wait just a sec, you may probably be asking what is "web hosting". This is a service or activity where one can store their website data and files on a server so it becomes visible via the internet. This service is provided by companies called web host providers and this service normally cost an annual or monthly fee. Your website cannot be visible via the internet unless you use a web hosting service.

These providers all seem to possess the characteristics to guarantee clients success in their online endeavors. Here are some features to look for:

  1. Reliability - since your website serves as the link between you and your customers it is of paramount importance that it is always available so you can render services or supply products as needed.

  2. Bandwidth - this refers to the amount of data that goes back and forth between your web host and browser, this data capacity forms part and parcel of your web hosting package. Option to scale is also a great component.

  3. Speed - this is how quickly your website loads up when a user clicks your website link or manually inputs your URL in a browser. Slow load ups definitely reduces website visits.

  4. Space - depending on what you plan to do on your website, disk space is very important to allow you to store all your website's data files (e,g. text files, images, emails, etc.).

  5. Support - issues do occur and everyone wants to know that they can get assistance in a timely manner to resolve those issues. Great Customer Support is always a plus on any platform.

  6. Pricing & Payment Plans - we all love a great deal and when you're just getting started on creating your own website with limited funds and resources then pricing is always a major factor. Finding a web hosting provider which has all the necessary requirements and a great pricing and payment plan is key.

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