

Willingly abstaining from eating and/or drinking for a period of time. This can be done partially (like refraining from some specific foods or just complete abstinence). Fasting is a practice which is noted to be followed mainly for religious reasons but it is now being scientifically proven and practiced for aiding in health issues.

  • Reasons why people fast: people fast for a number of reasons. Some fast for health reasons (diet, weight loss, detox and medical issues like high blood sugar levels, inflammation, high cholesterol levels which lead to poor heart health, etc.). Others fast for religious reasons (to increase faith, for guidance and humility, for repentance or a sign of mourning).

  • Benefits of Fasting (for health): various studies have shown that fasting is a beneficial practice for overall health. Some of the benefits of fasting includes:

  1. weight loss - fasting helps reduces the your calorie intake, stimulates your metabolism and helps you from overeating all of which facilitates weight loss.

  2. detoxification - since no food is being consumed this causes the liver to release certain chemicals from our fatty reserves out of the body through various organs which helps in the cleansing and correcting of imbalances in the body.

  3. heart health - fasting has been noted to improve many risk factors that leads to an unhealthy heart such as blood pressure, blood glucose, LDL cholesterol, inflammation and obesity.

  4. lowers blood sugar levels - when you eat your blood sugar rises, so naturally if you fast this reduces your blood sugar levels there by helping you to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

  5. healthier skin & cell repair - fasting initiates a process in your body called autophagy which basically removed waste material from the cells. This enables the production of healthier cells throughout the body and helps promote heathy skins as well.

  6. good mental health - fasting enables a better level of endorphins in the blood which promotes alertness and have you feeling good mentally.

  7. reduces inflammation - the presence of inflammation is our body's response to infections in our system which should normally disappear after the body is healed but an accumulation of free radicals in the body can lead to chronic inflammation which is attributed to many forms of diseases in the body. Fasting helps with the elimination of these free radicals which reduces inflammation and by so doing benefits against the increase or development of many diseases.

  8. speeds up healing - since no food is present in the stomach due to fasting, the body shifts it's focus to other important functions of the body like the immune system which helps in the healing process of the body.

  9. growth hormone - human growth hormone (HGH) may increase as much as 5 time due to fasting. This growth hormone has been proven to help with benefits such as fat burning and muscle gain.

  10. improved digestive system - fasting can help reset an unhealthy digestive system by regenerating the digestive lining which creates a healthy gut and digestive system. All of which leads to better bowel movements, sound sleep, healthier skin more energy and weight loss.

  • Types of Fasting: There are many types or methods of fasting and the method one chooses is based on their individual needs and capacity. The 3 fasting methods mentioned here are (1) Dry Fast, (2) Liquid Fast and (3) Partial Fast.

(1) Dry Fast

This method of fasting involves the abstinence from food and water for a period of time. It is also referred to as the "Absolute Fast" and is considered to be the most extreme form of fasting. This type of fast is normally practiced for spiritual benefits and healing.

(2) Liquid Fast

As the name suggests, this type of fasting is done by consuming liquids only for a period of time. Liquids may include a water only fast which is the oldest form of liquid fasting which helps in detoxifying the body which leads to many health benefits. There is another method of liquid fast more commonly used known as Juice Fasting or Juicing which involves the extraction and use of the pure fluids from fruits and vegetables only. This form of fast also helps detoxify the body but replenishes the body as well with vital nutrients which aid in the rebuilding of the body and keeping the body energized during the fast.

(3) Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting focuses more on when you eat and not like diets that focus on what you eat (note that what you eat is still very vital to maintaining a healthy body). It basically requires you to fast for a certain period and then eat for a certain period of time. This form of fasting is mostly used to help the body burn fat but it has been scientifically proven to have many other health benefits. Intermittent fasting comes in many forms and can be practiced by many depending on their individual preferences.

16:8 approach is fasting for a period of 16 hours during a 24 hour period and then eating during an 8 hour period daily. For e.g. you have your last meal at 8pm then fast until 12pm the following day, then you eat between 12pm and 8pm, then you start your fast at 8pm again.

5:2 approach is eating a normal meal for 5 days a quick and fasting for 2 days a week.

Alternate Day approach is eating a normal meal on day 1 then going on a complete fast on day 2 or eating about 500 calories on day 2, then eating a normal meal on day 3, then fasting on day 4 and so on.

Intermittent Fasting is all about practicing refraining from food and/or drink for a specified period of time and then eating for a specified period of time. It is the most popular form of fasting as it is the easiest form of fasting that someone can adapt to without sacrificing too much yet still reaping the benefits.

  • Safety tips on How to Fast: Fasting has been scientifically proven to help lower risk of diseases, improve longevity and overall good health. If done improperly, fasting can cause some negative side effects. Please see below some tips on how to approach fasting so that is it not detrimental to one's well being.

(1) First check with a Medical Professional before you start a Fast especially if you have a specific medical condition (e,g. gastronomic issues, kidney stones and diabetes).

(2) Fast for short periods especially if you are a beginner as long periods of fasting can lead to dehydration, hunger, lack of energy and focus and irritability.

(3) Staying hydrated during a fast is very important, as a certain percentage of fluids are found in the foods we eat so if we abstain from food completely we deprive the body from some level of fluids needed to help it function. Drinking water or other fluids will reduce dehydration which causes fatigue, excessive thirst and low energy levels.

(4) Limit your exercise routine to a minimum during a fast as regular or excessive exercise practices can drain your energy and lead to fatigue. It is best to get as much rest as possible during a fast and conserve your energy.

(5) When you break your fast, you should not rush into eating a large amount of food right away. It's best to start with a light meal (e.g. soup, shake or salad) and then graduate into your normal daily meals. Over eating after you break your fast can lead to stomach irritation and bloating. It is also counter productive especially if you are fasting to lose weight.

(6) If you feel sick during your fast, you should listen to your body and end the fasting as you do not want to cause any harm to yourself.

(7) You should try adding supplements or whole foods rich in essential nutrients to your diet especially if you will be fasting on a regular basis so your body is not deprived from it essential nutrients which is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

To maintain a proper fasting regimen it is important to do short periods of fasting, do not engage in excessive exercise, drink more fluids to stay hydrated and stop your fast if you feel sick.

Click links below for more info on Programs and Guides to Fasting

Intermittent Fasting Program

Intermittent Fasting Guide