
What is Dieting?

What comes to mind when you hear the words "diet" or "dieting". A few definitions have been quoted below:

  • "Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated way to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Dieting to lose weight is recommended for people with weight-related health problems."

  • "Dieting, regulating one’s food intake for the purpose of improving one’s physical condition, especially for the purpose of reducing obesity, or what is conceived to be excess body fat. Dieting plans are based on the reduction of any of the macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, and proteins) that constitute the major portions of food that a person eats (other than water) and that are necessary sources of energy. "

  • "Dieting is the practice of eating (and drinking) in a regulated fashion to achieve a particular, short-term objective."

  • "Diet is the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats: e.g. a vegetarian diet."

  • "Diet: a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons."

Another interpretation can be diet or dieting is a persons eating patterns or practices. Yes we all need to eat to survive but our eating patterns or practices may affect our every day living in a positive or negative way. So this begs the other question, why do people follow a particular diet.

3 reasons why people may follow a particular diet.

Dieting for weight loss

Overweight or Obesity is excessive body fat and is often considered to be unhealthy due to the many illnesses and diseased that are associated with it. Obesity is normally measured using a tool called the "Body Mass Index - BMI" which involves using a person's height to determine what their healthy body mass should be. Most concerns of obesity is with the physical appearance of the body but more emphasis is now being placed on the health and medical problems that may arise due to being overweight. One of the many causes of obesity is the poor quality and types of foods that are consumed as well as poor eating habits. Some examples include foods high in saturated fats, sugars and processed foods.

Healthy Dieting is one of the ways and benefits of losing weight and maintaining a desired healthy body mass. Studies and research have shown that having a diet that contains less saturated fats and carbohydrates and more lean protein and vegetables may help reduce excess body fat and by so doing improves ones heart health, cholesterol levels, moods and energy levels as well.

Dieting for Lean Body Mass

Muscle is lean. What is important in having a lean looking body is your "lean body mass" which is the total weight of the body minus all body fat. The term lean muscle may have originated from a lean body mass which is very important to persons who are in the fitness and sporting fraternity. It is said that muscle size enables strength and power. Having the appropriate lean body mass is vital to anyone as it increases your metabolism which helps maintain a healthy body mass. This is true especially to an athlete as it contributes to their performance in any sport in terms of speed, agility and forcefulness.

Dieting to obtain a lean body mass usually consist of a special diet that is rich in macronutrients (like protein) and also a strict and consistent muscle and strength training regimen.

Dieting for Health Issues

Poor nutrition has been linked to a host of issues like obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other diseases. A health eating pattern coupled with regular exercise has been proven to help improve and prolong ones life. Healthy eating is a diet that includes lean protein, low carbs, fibers, healthy fats, minerals, vitamins and adequate water consumption. Items to avoid in a healthy diet are saturated fats, processed foods, alcohol and smoking.

Eating the correct foods contributes to one feeling, looking better and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition plays a major role in keeping a healthy weight, preventing diseases and also improves mood and energy levels and promotes good sleep. These practices may not show rewards immediately but is definitely beneficial in the long run.

Various Types of Diets