What is Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (also referred to as ED or impotence) is the failure to get or keep an erection sufficiently firm to have sex.

There are 2 ways that ED is categorized. Occasional and Frequent.

Having erection problems every now and then isn't really a reason to worry. This is called Occasional ED. It is usually short lived and in most cases come about as a result of a stressful period.

However if ED is an ongoing issue, it is referred to as Frequent ED. This type can be a major cause for concern as it can be a sign of health issues and may need treatment.

It is researched and documented that the prevalence of ED increases with age. For example 60% of men in their 60s have experienced some kind of ED. However researchers have also observed that younger men under the age of 40 have had some kind of ED problem but there is a strong correlation with smoking, alcohol and drug abuse which suggest that lifestyle choices are an important factor for ED in younger men.

Some Symptoms of ED: 

The most common symptoms of ED are difficulty getting an erection, difficulty keeping an erection and reduced sexual desire. Some other sexually disorders related to ED are premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and the inability to have an orgasm after ample stimulation. 

Some Complications that may occur as a result of ED include:


An erection is caused as a result of increased blood flow into your penis. This stimulation of blood flow normally occurs due to sexual thoughts or direct contact with your penis. Sexual arousal in males can be a complexed process that involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem with any of these. The causes of ED can be both physical and/or psychological.

Some physical causes of ED include:

Heart Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Clogged Blood Vessels

High Cholesterol, Obesity, Substance Abuse, Low Testosterone, 

Excessive Alcohol and Tobacco use, Increased Age

Some psychological causes of ED include:

Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Relationship problems

Possible Treatments for ED: 

After visiting a doctor, one of the first things that will be established is the severity of the condition and the underlying cause. Treatment will then be determined by the doctor based on the findings. Some treatments include: 


This statement might sound so cliche "prevention is better than cure". So here are a few guidelines on the possible prevention of ED.

Products that may help: