Certificate of Origin

Can I Get a Certificate of Origin Stamped the Same Day?

The exporters have several questions while preparing important export documents like a certificate of origin. In this, one of the most frequently asked questions is whether it is possible to submit a certificate and get it stamped on the same day or not. If you had asked this question several years ago, the answer would have been no. However, it is possible these days provided you follow the right procedure and make some good preparations.

Here’s a guide to help you.

Get It Stamped Online

Earlier, the exporters would visit the chambers of commerce offices in person to submit the certificate for stamping. So, an alternative option was to send the certificate by post or courier to the chambers. It took several days to receive the stamped documents back. On top of that, the overall time would increase if there were some errors or the certificates had incomplete information.

The facility to submit the certificates online to the chambers addresses these issues effectively. Also, many chambers of commerce in Australia claim to stamp and return the documents within hours. Read on and find out how to prepare for it.

Complete the Registration

Register with the chamber of commerce in your area well in advance, so that you can complete the registration timely. You can easily find the registration forms available at the official websites of each of the chambers. An important part of the process is to provide a list of signatories whom you authorize to submit the certificates of origin on your behalf.

Make sure that you repeat the registration process for each of the free trade agreements. For example, to submit ChAFTA, TAFTA, AANZFTA, KAFTA & JAEPA certificate of origin for exporting to China, Thailand, ASEAN countries, Korea and Japan respectively, you must register separately for each FTA.

How to Speed Up the Process?

To obtain the certificate the same day of submission, here are some things you need to know:

  • Using export documentation software can help you interact faster with the chamber of commerce. Choose the one that automates the procedure.

  • Fill in the required information, like HS codes, ports of loading and discharge, description of items and more, correctly.

  • If you don’t know already, note that the certificate must always be typed. No chamber accepts the handwritten and scanned certificate.

  • Be ready with the proofs that the chamber may demand before stamping the certificate. Some examples of these proofs include a bill of adding, a letter of credit, an invoice, etc.

  • Make sure that you submit the exact number of copies for stamping as you need. For example, if you need 10 copies, then you must submit 11 as one would be retained by the chamber for the purposes like auditing and recordkeeping.

  • The certificate you submit needs to bear your sign or signature of one of the authorized signatories at the prescribed place.

  • Decide the mode of payment in advance so that there is no delay.

For more information, you must visit the website of the chamber of commerce in your area and check the exact process of submitting the certificate online.