3 Aspects that Make a Good Export Documentation Service

3 Aspects that Make a Good Export Documentation Service

Many export businesses today rely on experts for export documentation. Due to their growing demand, there has been a sudden rise in the number of these service providers. You may come across many agencies making big promises to add efficiency to the documentation procedures. However, only few have the right qualities to actually accomplish the desired results. Find out the top three things that may help you choose the best in the lot.

Type of Software They Use

Clearly, a lot would depend on the software used for preparing different types of export documents. To begin with, the software must comply with the systems. It must communicate with the Integrated Cargo System (ICS) to apply for the export documentation number. In addition, it should prepare other important documents like packing lists, commercial invoices and more.

Ask the service provider if they use a cloud-based solution. The software tools that run on cloud add speed to the documentation process and help save costs.

Experience in International Trade

Without a doubt, only an agency with expertise in preparing export documents meeting the international standards can serve your business the best. Ask them whether they know the importing country requirements as well as the specific trade laws of different countries. Choose them only if they have been regularly preparing documents for the countries you wish to export to.

For example, the international trade documentation service provider must know the exact requirements of the importing countries in case you want to export plants/plant products or animals/animal products. Likewise, they must know the free trade agreement requirements in order to prepare accurate certificates of origin.

Personalized Service for Different Exporters

The trade documentation needs of a dairy products exporter may differ from that of an exporter exporting grains. Not only the application forms may differ, but also the importing country regulations may change with every goods category. So, the agency you choose must offer a customized approach to create error-free documents for your consignments.

Also, the service provider must be willing to offer services without forcing you into any contract. You should be free to avail the service on demand in order to save the costs. Once you find a company fulfilling these three requirements, you can opt for its service without any doubt.